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Everything posted by Levi4than

  1. This is an buffer for TvT that you can chose the buffs that can have in tvt match... Includes files and for l2j and for l2jfree!! Enjoy.... http://la2base.ru/java/dop_java/3133-tvt-buffer.html Password: www .la2base.ru Credits to La2base and Me for sharing it!
  2. An Other great share from me!!! Hello guys, i found the new Final Vesper Jewels for gracia part 2 and its all yours!!! Enjoy... I think i need to get +1 Karma for this share!! ;) http://rapidshare.com/files/197778058/Jewels_Vesper_for_Gracia_CT2_by_STIVE.rar [move]All files are in Premium Account in RapidShare and you can downloading instant with no waiting![/move]
  3. Its already shared by me!! And i shared weapons with fixed files!! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=47237.msg331279#msg331279
  4. I want to reshare this amazing l2j pack because A-Style delete all links and i want help the people of MXC!!! ;) Just to Be CLEAR : * This Pack ISNT 3 clicks and Go! This Pack DONT use DISKW! This Pack is Done By Me! Special THANKS to the L2J Team! ################################################## # ################################################## # How to Install the pack and Make it Working 100% ? [glow=red,2,300]Use the Provided DATABASE_INSTALL.Sql inside the pack..DONT install the DB with the databaseinstaller.bat ![/glow] ################################################## # ################################################## # What (Customs?) this Pack Includes ? This ISNT A CLIENT MODDED PACK !!! NO CLIENT MODS HAS BEEN DONE !!! ALL HAS BEEN DONE AT THE CORE !!! SO YOU NEED TO GIVE TO YOUR PLAYERS ONLY YOUR HOST TO LET THEM PLAY TO YOUR SERVER !!! I hope you got it, cant be more clear than that ! ################################################## # ################################################## # So, this Pack Needs a CUSTOM patch ? NO !!! Only your IP to let the players log into your Server and PLAY! ################################################## # ################################################## # What About the Download Link of this pack ? - Here you Are => http://rapidshare.com/files/195561459/A-Style_L2J_Gracia_T2.rar There Will NOT be Updates From my Side about this pack ! once you get it, dont ask for support...ALL works PERFECTLY and ALL has been taken from the OFFICIAL L2J FORUMS ! ################################################## # ################################################## # What about this pack Features ? Well, lets Begin with some descriptions : L2JServer => 2737 L2JDp => 5626 Patches Applied : Alternative Enchant System - More enchant configurations (enchant.properties) PvP/Pk Color Sytem - Very Usefull for PvP high rates Servers Hero Shine on 5 kills in a row - no skills Only glow (need to be fixed the effect, only who do 5 kills in a row can see himself Hero..the others no) Hero Shine when reach 100 pvp's - No skills, only Glow (need to be fixed the effect, only who do 5 kills in a row can see himself Hero..the others no) Portable Class master with new Html's - When a Player Reach the following levels 20-40-76, a window pop-up and show the avalaible classes for the player :) very usefull...cuz you havent to return in town ! NPC's to looks like Players - thats very cool ;D there is a new table in DB called npc_to_pc_polymorph where you can Add as much NPC's you want..and they will look as Players ;D is too long to explain..Just test it ! Perfect Global GK - No other words, thnx magidzmo Perfect Buffer with fast menu + Images - No other words credits to Fogotendx20 Away System / Offline Trade-Crafting - Usefull for Low rates Server - In other words, when you use this system...you can leave your player in trade mode (selling shits) and close the client...the player will stay online and will continue to Sell or craft Hero Skills on All subclasses - self explaining Anti-Lag PATCH for Sieges - Usefull about me. TvT with Commands .join - Not tested..should work properly Reworked Olimpiad- as I write...I apply this patch for a more secured Olimpiad system...which is more configurable. TODO : (NOT done in this pack) Fortness - (the only one working , as L2J default is the Dragonspine) //SetHero - //SetNoble - (Well those commands wont work, I have posted in L2J forums about them.) lvl81 Skills - (As L2J default, I havent touched them...for more info and skills => [Only Registered and Activated Users Can See Links. Click Here To Register...] GMShop - didnt added any (its up to the Server ADMIN) ################################################## # ################################################## # Some of you will Say : "OMG, why the hell did you shared this pack to us ? is way too much for US!!" - Well, Im a good boy, always ready to help who need my help...and very much of you ppl of mxc can say it. (ofc who know me)...so..I decided to share this awesome pack with you...hopefully you will like that ! ################################################## # ################################################## # Thanks for trusting me, and Using My Pack! Here is an ScreenShot: There Will be NOT More versions, is my final version. ################################################## # ################################################## # All the Important NPC's Are Spawned in Goddard Town. I have touched some Configurations and HTML's to make the Server More Custom. ################################################## # ################################################## # [move] All credits goes to A-Style and ME for resharing this imazing pack!! Enjoy[/move]
  5. No i didnt fixed them i will try to fix them and share it again...
  6. I saw the topic from A-Style for the Final Gracia Updater (Korean) and he delete the link!! So i want to SHARE AGAIN to all of you this file!! Enjoy!! http://rapidshare.com/files/197315259/Gracia_Final_Updater_Korean_.rar
  7. I share it from my Premium Account from RS and you can have instant download and i made some fixes in the SQL!! Enjoy!!
  8. Hello Guys!!! I found this Files and i want to share it with all of you!! Its Vesper Weapons For Gracia Part 2!!! [update]I fixed the Itemname-e and weapongrp and SQL file... Enjoy http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/4449/layerupdate32kp0.jpg[/img] http://rapidshare.com/files/197767183/Vesper_Weeapons_Gracia_PT2_Fixed_.rar Credits:La2Base, And me for sharing and fixing!! ENJOY....
  9. This is my first share and i found it in my pc today and i want to share it with all of you!! Its Icarus weapons for l2j interlude server!!! http://rapidshare.com/files/196122281/Icarus_Weapons_For_Interlude_L2J.rar Gredits to La2base and to Me for sharing it here!! ;)
  10. tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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