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Everything posted by Levi4than

  1. ok if you are saying that will be i trust you :p... Thnks a lot for your support!!
  2. I mean when you will go to spawn 55555 what npc will call??If its not any npc with html 55555.. I dont understand :/
  3. open the gameserver from server/stargameserver.bat not from the start button!
  4. Where i can find the html fro the buffer?
  5. why you post that server here if its not yours?
  6. stop spaming!!!
  7. Nice man keep it updated!
  8. Very good Frogoten... Keep the good job.... We need more npc from you!!
  9. if you check the topic and read it you will see that i didnt say "is mine" and "i made it" i just find it in my pc and wante to share it here!!Thats all!!
  10. it others pack but credits for share goes to me that i find it and share here so someone like you come and download it!!!And pls dont spam!
  11. I didnt understand you?Explain better!
  12. This is Rinh4as Buffer script!! Give Credits!!
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