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Everything posted by Levi4than

  1. I was playing in l2speed and i had donated 800 euros!!
  2. <-- its from Grisom
  3. That files have been shared in la2base.lt!!
  4. Here it is XD http://img534.imageshack.us/i/shot00009np.jpg/
  5. Here is an SS: http://img202.imageshack.us/i/shot00010cz.jpg
  6. +1 Karma for this???OFC NOT...Karma deleted...We dont give karma for C/P files from other sites and its already shared..
  7. Nice job bro!!!Tha to agorasw sigoura!!
  8. He can keep hes opinion for him..Here he should answer only for it!
  9. Stop spaming or i will dekarma you!
  10. Maybe you can have the source bvut what revision???I have latest and premium account in l2dreams!
  11. If you buy it fro the owners will cost much more...I sell full source and 1 month timeline for updates that cost 70 euros!!
  12. Great work bro!! Keep sharing this great shares...
  13. Reported for spam!!Next time reply only you want this pack or you have questions!
  14. Hah.. he is Evill33t and he joins here bacause i told him to do it!!Also he didnt stoped l2java....
  15. Give us more details....Chronicle,protections,credits....
  16. Hello guys...I found this on l2jserver and i want to share it with all of you!!Its for Gracia Epilogue!
  17. Thanks bro!! We will do the best for server and community!
  18. We will add an info item taht you click on it and will shows all infos about server!!So when you forget them you will just open that ;) A great server with the greatest developer!!I love this server and it rocks!!Lets join all together now!!
  19. Full reworked flood protection,Packets filters and much more,Skill retail like and etc...I can show you files with teamviewer!
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