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Everything posted by Levi4than

  1. It doesnt work!!!I get critical error in Interlude!!You have to modify the systextures!
  2. Its not npc....Its Cutom items...
  3. Great share bro!But where is the password?? P.S: The password is WWW.LA2BASE.RU P.S: Can someone share the itemname,and etcitem ready ??
  4. Nice web bro!!Keep sharing!!
  5. HAH they copyed from here bro!!THEY DONT GIVE CREDITS!!tHEY ARE IDIOTS!
  6. Einai poli orea gk!!An einai opws stin ss apo to allo topic tote bravo!!
  7. Great work bro!!!The 1st it rocks!
  8. Nice share bro but Give some Screen shots!!
  9. Nice man!!I will try it right now!
  10. This server is full hackable!!I closed that with my program :P....
  11. Nice work bro!!Keep sharing your good work!
  12. Great share bro!!!Keep sharing this!!
  13. Theya re great!!Keep sharing this goodies!!
  14. gREAT SHARE!!It rocks!!
  15. Great shares bro!!!But give some infos about your shares!!What they are doing and etc!
  16. Nive share bro!!Keep the good work!
  17. Yea come on and play here!!It rocks!
  18. Relax guys...And someone lock this topic!
  19. You will dekarma me???0X0AX0A0X0AX0A0X0
  20. Nice share bro!!
  21. Great server bro!!!Good luck with your server!!I joined today and it rocks....Great work!!!Keep it up !!!
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