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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. 142k PvP as LieServer xLieRate... Dont lie guys ^^ I never actually played the server longer then 2months I remember my score was 1200+ PvP / 150 PK at L2 Shadows Reborn (The server is still live) And now in the server i play at the momment i have 103 PvP and 116 PK :)
  2. Its a highrate Interlude server with dyes only: +5 / -6 So what dyes should i get for an dualist?
  3. A highrate PvP server x1k+ with NPC buffer,GM shop,Custom GK etc.
  4. Didnt hear such a lies before (in my whole life) I bet 50% of them lies... ^^ I was hero only 2 times, with Adventurer and with Spellhowler :) Thats all
  5. Well i saw a rule where Mod said that its not allowed (I think) and that they count that as a spam but i dont know now :P We'll wait Mod to answer ^^ (Anyway move and delete all offtopics, we are sorry)
  6. You are always correcting people and G.mods said spam posts like : Wrong Section,Tnx, Look the Rules are forbidden ^^ (I think i remember that, dont know is it same for this section - probably is :P)
  7. Hmm, read a topic a bit will you? Before posting! Only you can see it not the others (I didnt see reply with "Yes everybody see it, works") I tested on Interlude but it shouldn't work on both clients INT and GF...
  8. OMG! I am posting twice in wrong server topic ^^ Sorry :D
  9. Server offline as i see in site... Hmmm?
  10. Im looking for an Highrate Interlude where is Blessed 100%, With Custom weapons / armors (Apella if possible), server MUST have 20- ppl and MUST be fail :P So i can test something :D
  11. Armor and weapon is easy (1h+) but the Custom Accessory... LoL'd 2k FA (1 Mob Drops 1FA ++ PvP / PK zone) = You'll never get it xD
  12. Yeah, Sorry i selected wrong topic (Posted in wrong topic) ^^
  13. Thanks for sharind, i didnt know that :)
  14. IMO IMO IMO Official :D Just kidding :) Anyway i've seen only 2k on L2Inc :)
  15. For me those rates are low :D I consider Mid rate x100 - x500 :D Anyway thanks im going to try this one :)
  16. Im looking for Interlude / Gracia FinaL (GF would be good thou) Lowrate server: x25+ | x50- GM Shop (Hopefully for all armors and weps, miscs, consumables etc) Custom GatekeepeR NPC BuffeR (Hopefully with unlimited buff slots) Hopefully Safe = Max If not: Safe 4 - Max 16 with an high chance 75%+ Community: Minimum 50 players daily on
  17. 1. You do not see the post so practically you are spaming... 2. Its only English section so ... /On I have tried it and it didnt work for me idk why :/ Cant make it work ^^
  18. You could skip that part >.> I play highrates (PvP) and its not borng >.<. Everyone have their own opinion :) By the way i like the server very much but its too low for me :/ This maded me search (I will from now on) low-rates servers and remember back old L2 days :)
  19. I cant find any server (Gracia Final / Interlude) where l2phx, dupe bug, MultiClass bug, SkillStack bug ... works >.> Is there any? If you know some post it here or send me on PM if you dont want everyone to see it :P
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