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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Stupid Icon, i tough its Super Masta Detective
  2. Well i need a blooddog_90's MSN. He was old CS moderator and he helped me a lot with CS servers and i wanted to contact him cause I think he will know what is with my CS Router's Ports (and how to fix them). @Roger Nice Sig!
  3. Well i created like you said and again. Ports problem... Maybe u can PM me with your router's ports information.? I dont know why you didnt mention that you need to forward routers ports... Do i need to do that to server from this guide?
  4. Come one guys,its not a joke,I am desperate :( ! I need him or someone who can fix stupid port thing (Or whatever is the problem)
  5. Any Personal Details xD :P? I really need to find this man! :P
  6. Waa? ^^ @Karma Damn... Ok,Thanks anyway!
  7. K4rMaArr0ws, I just wanted to ask you do u answer the PMs? Cause its not "nQQb" PM or whatever. P.S I couldnt contact other Mods cause i think only you can help me. Thanks.
  8. What is "If you want Steam Only dedicated server just skip this step" related to? Downloading and installing swds.dll patcher or Setting sv_lan 0 and other ?
  9. Did u put plugin name into \addons\amxmodx\config\plugins.ini ? + You need to downoad a Script File. By pressing Get Source u download a .sma file | By pressing Get Plugin u download .amxx file
  10. Check this out! Its infinity ammo but i think reload is involved.
  11. Flavio

    Help here

    Thanks but i stuck. When i enter Tcpip > Parameters I dont know what to click and change value to what file? (Look the guide) Anyone can help?
  12. Flavio

    Help here

    I saw this guide and i dont know how to enter/get "Registry Editor" I know its dumb question but i dont know anything about Computers at all. Link to Guide: How to Enable TCP/IP Forwarding in Windows XP http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315236 Where do i start Windows Registry (Registry editor)? I cant understand this :P When/if i enable this i think my Counter-Strike server will work cause now it doesnt. Console Message in Counter-Strike when trying to connect to my server: ] connect WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: port: 27015 bind: WSAEADDRINUSE NET Ports: server 27015, client 27005 Could not get TCP/IP address, TCP/IP disabled Reason: WSAENOTSOCK Connecting to So i think the bold text is related to "TCP/IP Forwarding enabled: NO" (<-- This line is in "Run > cmd > ipconfig /all )
  13. Can i get e-mail (msn) of blooddog_90? I need him for something about CS he helped me with an old one. Send me in PM if you can K4rma or everyone who have it,thanks!
  14. Flavio

    Looking for.

    Hhhh. Works for me ;) J/K | PM sent. Edit: Not really,waiting 1 min restriction xD
  15. Flavio

    Looking for.

    Send me PM with msn if you have. I added melly88@abv.bg but i think its e-mail and u cant use with msn.
  16. I have 1200kbp/s but its download speed ^^ Upload is very very low ... its 0.12 Mb/s That means if 4+ Players are Online it will lag... :-X
  17. Flavio

    Looking for.

    So i can contact you? I know its easy but i have a problem.
  18. /Off Well i have only 1.2 Mbp/s So ... -.- Have any tips? /On By the way thanks for share AGAIN cause cheaters wont be able to pass! :) Yay!
  19. Flavio


    Can u read a topic first before you post? Still looking for help/fix prob.
  20. blooddog? Anywany thanks for share,i saw a good spray logo today on servers and i will try to make it with this ! Edit: The Link dont work anymore.
  21. I am looking for Counter-Strike Moderator or a guy who have many experience in creating the server (Counter-Strike 1.6 Non-Steam) Send me PM or post here and i will contact you.
  22. Flavio


    Sorry for Triple Post ( :-X :-\ )(You can move to spam) But i did via the portforward.com website and the images matches the instructions on the PortForward Site. I just dont know what should i write in hlds.exe (Server Window) in Port Field? 27015? I tried that and i couldnt connect to my server either then. Edit: What is showing me in cs console when i want to connect to my server (connect MyIP:Port) ] connect WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: port: 27015 bind: WSAEADDRINUSE NET Ports: server 27015, client 27005 Could not get TCP/IP address, TCP/IP disabled Reason: WSAENOTSOCK Connecting to
  23. Flavio


    I cant find my routers model. Its Level One WBR-3408 ... there is no such model in the list.
  24. Flavio


    I didnt want you to move cause its for CS... I already got there some ports from earlier but i dont know how to use/activate them. Here are Images: (Use CTRL+MouseWheel to zoom if needed) CS#1 CS#2 CS#3
  25. Flavio


    I want to forward my router ports and i dont know how. If you can do it via TeamViwer i will appreciate it! Cause none of google guides i dont understand. Off: Does anyone know a msn of blooddog_90 (Old CS Admin),he helped me a lot,so if anyone knows how can i contact him let me know!
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