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Everything posted by Flavio

  1. Ehm yeah i know,read... I said translate what he posted after that...
  2. Even if i dont know Greek Language i read once in a while and I found this, LoL! Can u Translate me his post? So i can understand what he says after that :P (Page 230) Edit: Sorry for Non-GR in GR Official SPam TopiC
  3. Dumb,heh... Like you when u posted "Spam" on/in Spam Section lol?
  4. Hahahahaha,We are in spam section ''tard
  5. I downloaded Sims 3 (Release Group: RELOADED) and i cant install it,Mount is not my problem but extraction of the files is complicated to me,so if anyone know how to install the game from Reloaded team (Always in many RaR files) post here or PM me,We can do it via TeamViewer or you tell me in steps. I recommend Team Viewer cause i am so confused right now - There are 30 RaR Files (Ok),but inside those 30 in each there is like 10-20 new RaR files lol (Ehm ::)),So i dont know to install (Extract) the game Edit: I think this is not warez,i just ask for help to install Warez Game :)
  6. I saw on English somewhere,Thanks for help anyway.
  7. I need someone from Poland [PL] to translate me this,I tried to use dictionary and it translate me to some serial killer or something,Thanks 1. Kopiujemy zawartość tego folderu do folderu z grą 2. Uruchamiamy mount&blade-uniloader.exe 3. Klikamy OK (2x) 4. Gdy pokaże nam się okienko z gry klikamy wyjścię 5. Odpalamy jeszcze raz m&b_loader.exe 6. Klikamy Activation ---> Manual Activation 7. Wpisać dowolny kod seryjny i wyjść z menu 8. Gre odpalać tylko i wyłącznie z m&b_loader.exe Its a game installation guide,Thanks again! (I didnt understand 7 and 8,for other steps i understood something)
  8. Flavio


    If anyone is playing Mount&Blade (PC) PM me,thanks.
  9. He said something stupid he didnt say Stupid Dream,lolz,anyway,i am lazy to download c3 so i wont join :/
  10. Kao is same like ... what? And Yes I am jealous,OmGz0r!
  11. Megalol! j/k means "Salim se" Means Just Kidding lol,wtf?
  12. Then why u train Water polo Oo? Just Kiding :D @~Sensei~ I didnt ment je**/kao it wouldnt make any sence :P Jedi Konju means Eat Horse,you are commanding a horse to eat something like a crap or something tastier :D Ahahahaha
  13. J/K on our language is "Jedi / Konju" means Suck it Horse or Eat it Horse :D ;D J/K J/K (This one is for kidding -.- :P )
  14. Are you kidding me? I saw xKenji on World Championship he played for Greece! Thats why they lost :-\ J/K ^^
  15. Of course I am, In Water Sports we have 4 medals including Water polo,3 Golds and 1 silver :D
  16. I mean thanks,but I am not the one you need congratz to :P But Thanks Anyway :)
  17. Ahahahaha Srbija! Srbija! Srbija! We are Water polo World Champions :D
  18. Scrap is Mass spamming LoL! Its not like Good Job,Thanks for share in high hided posts that he dont see its: xD , lol , dsfs , OmG ... I think -1 Karma isnt enough... Edit: I opened Stupid Topic,-1 Karma him or Just ban him...
  19. Hahaha Even if i dont know whats Boom Boom Pow i laughed so much,lolol!
  20. Stop spaming LoL,xD,:P,Omg! You already got -1 Karma for that (I think so) @On Thanks for sharing
  21. I am looking for Online/Offline game that is based on ship battles,pirates (Other players / Computer players) can be included on ships,dont post mini-games or something small :P Just post the name and a couple of images if you know any game that is similar with this information! Possibility of: - Big Sea (Big Map) - Detailed Ships* - The Graphic (Ships are detailed - Good Graphics - I dont want the game where is ship some brown box that is moving ^^) - Detailed Sea* - Detailed Cloths of Pirates (If there are any) - Detailed War (People can jump from ship to ship to fight) - Good Graphics ( <-- = "*" ) Thanks in advice!
  22. Flavio


    Anyway i can bypass MegaVideo 72 minutes restriction? Thanks!
  23. Let us know when u finish the transferring! Didnt know that it is +20 Safe and Max,I like the server info,i will try it 100% and 95% stay on it :)
  24. Ahahaha I dont know solution for 1st,omg I am so stupid!
  25. Flavio

    BFH Online

    When i want to start download i do the FireFox Guide but download dont start! Maybe cause of this?
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