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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. Yea people, please stick this post, this is very important question :o

    But not sure anyway, since its such an important question, it has probably been discussed before.. xD

    Anyways, gonna search before giving my whole opinion, although since I'm a newbie at this server-creating deal, I go for L2Java since it's easier (I think) and all that.. :)

    man,i already made a server some time ago,then i found a nice server where to stay and i deleted it and i used L2J..now,because i need to create a good server just for me or my friends to test something,i need to know which source should i use:D
  2. I don't know, I think not cause he also didn't update like he said he would, and he has some not working lines, and some you can see in the video's but he didn't share...


    Perhaps I share some soon, I got all glows ;D

    i think that should be made a stickied topic with all glows(i mean not normal ones:P:P) or at least when u'll share them,add them on ur share's topic.I am waiting^^
  3. So then AionGhost will die and cant play it again never??? or wtf its gonna be up can some 1 tell me plz??? if yes when reply plzzzzz im w8ing a lot of days to play again server where i was ..but cant now.....

    GhostAion is already closed and i think that IA's staff use it for test new implementation,if all goes fine and then they implement them on main server
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