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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. I Have A Problem too :/ most of them dont work....in game i type their id and it says that  item doesnt exist... :S only 2-3 from them work..1 dagger 3 shields etc..any1 know what may cause that? :S

    it's not a Chandy's problem,this kind of problem it's from ur database and itemname.dat and weapongrp.dat u must add lines to dat files and execute all the queries in the database,try again;)
  2. BUMP! today i am coming back at home and i'll try to fix the problem..anyway can be that l2j don't find the new version of mysql?i mean 5.5..because if i run the db isntaller with admin,it check "5.1" version:)..it can be?if it can be,i have to delete all about 5.5 version because when i try to install 5.1 error appear:"the installation can't be started because on ur pc there is already a new version of this product"(something like this.) any suggestion?this thread and me became boring^^

  3. Both are BIG NOOB'S !

    oh little poor naab admin,hear me:i got much more expirience than what u can even imagine(and i think that Eternal got expirience as well).Also the first noob is who try to make a own server with "his hands" or who just download a PRECONFIGURED PACK with tons of customs(i like them) but that got the same stats?preconfigured pack=shit,u can't even fix it if something happen.So,next time,before talk,try to connect ur brain.
  4. yes anyway i solved the problem,the solution is "VISTA SUCKs!!" and after i changed the directory where to install the mysql,it worked..but another problem:small windows for config mysql,so i can't config it lol


    edit:god..i still get the "violet" problem already reported on the first page..what should i do?forget about l2j server-.- until i get xp..?


    offtopic:intrepid if u use msn,send me ur msn so u can help me with teamview

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