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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. you forgot the most important question........... which is 'How To Create L2 Server'  :)

    there is another guide by Coyote in this section which speak about how to choose a good project,compiling etc http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=92146.0 also u can use ExtremeDwarf's guide about eclipse for compile

    please REUPLOAD ... I want Intrepid's Anti-PK Guard

    speak with Intrepid for reupload,anyway i think that if u read the guide by uhm Frank if i am not wrong,it teaches u how to make a Anti-Pk Guard.


    also i think that these guides by Coyote should be stickied.

  2. Ok O____MMMMMM_____GGGGG  how can this server even be on hopzones top servers it sucks!

    The client modding in there has gone wild!

    People have 3k speed and 15k attack speed!

    I just downloaded the patch to see how this shit is and im still stuck with the 17 heroes loading screen that pisses me off every single time i see it!

    Retarted people that make these servers , tarted greeks that cant uderstand that if all chars have all weaps + 10k or +0 its the same thing

    The guy that made this server , i hope he gets the swine flew...


    And please all those being disturbed by the NAZI clan names shut up!

    You dont know what even a Nazi is and if u know u just read wikipedia so pleaseee dont try to be smartasses , they dont use those names in real life but in a stupid game its not life in there so let em use it

    first this server is not retarded,some players that play there are but the admin is a good guy,trust me.This is a different kind of server,if u don't like don't say that it suck because some others like it very much(i dont play it,but it fits my style)..a server suck when he got retarded admins(in htis case NOT!),bugs everywhere(here there can be a few,i dunno since i don't play for about 2 months but admin work hard to fix them everyday),and similar things related to non working features..but in this case this server is not a normal server,is a server made for who like customs,and u are noone to say shut up to others,a game like that is meant to PUNISH ANY KIND OF RACIISM,INSULTS ETC..if i pwn a guy,he can't say me fuck ur mother,he can't say me rubbish iranian,etc..so relax urself;)
  3. so i am almost ok with adding/removing/editing existing npc,items...my problem start with patches,i followed the guide by the end"how to apply a l2j mod" but it doesn't say nothing about possible errors or how to adapt some patches for other packs different that the one where the mod has been created and tested,there is someone who can help me directly or can link me a better guide?thx u all

  4. so her eis the problem:the installer work fine but when i say to create database,it creates the tables in navicat but when it starts to install account_data.sql etc it say"impossible to find the specified directory/folder" for each file..what i did wrong?is still something with mysql?the strange thing is that on first page it says me that he found mysql folder and after he says that he didn't find the path for mysqldumb etc lol?


    image  http://i47.tinypic.com/2cpdyc4.jpg

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