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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. Well imo make srv with 3 custom like 1set normal 2set Mid and 3rd Best :P And PPL can exchange ++pay more for each set ...

    Also same with weapons :)

    It's good Idea as in l2revolt is ^^

    well i understand the farm in revolt for get the Revolt armor,but if there will be a custom armor(the best one) do not do the farm so hard and long ..i mean that i wont spend 1 year to get 1 shit piece>_< without donate ofc
  2. You can choose either maven-only build or maven-in-eclipse build (sadly, the guide for integrated maven isn't completely done).


    Intrepid is right. Since kamael part one the support was going downhill, and that was why the project also gone downhill. Around gracia part 1 you could get flamed and get 0 support even with a valid bug report.


    However, currently, there is some support (as much as 2 devs can provide...).

    You wont get support if:

    You don't use the latest trunk (which is bad, but they promised to make a gracia final stable release)

    Now you get flamed only if:

    Ask for support for an outdated release (think C5, IL, Kama part 1/2, Gracia part 1,2, which all are over 6 months old: seems reasonable considering there are only two active devs)

    You use random english words as a spambot (think "I like XML inside the folder. Please inneed help, problems with Javascript!")

    You insist you can reproduce an exploit/bug, but refuse if the devs request you to add logging and post the results when doing the exploit, and noone else can reproduce that exploit/bug.


    Otherwise you will get support soon and hopefully that will be a changeset!

    ok but i don't understand why they don't recruit new devs?they can also try to make a "fusion" with l2jemu;i think that l2jfree is a great project but the lack of devs looks like a bad thing:/
  3. Bali is just a bit nervous, he boils in little temperature.

    Cloud the users Forum: www.l2jfree-users.com that's where you should get help. Well and honestly, I don't just get support cus I work with those guys, at all, thing is, they are only 2 current active Core devs. So its natural that they will take a bit longer to reply to you especially because they work.

    Still I wont argue with anyone, my opinion is and has been for quite some long time (And yes,I have used L2j for quite some time too and I don't regret having changed to JFree, at all) JFree. Now its up to you ^^

    i went here http://www.l2jfree.com/ ,ok horus thx u;Well i can just do a thing:build first the l2jfree server and see what changes,i have almost see not working things in l2j,i'll see if them works on l2jfree.Today i'll request to lock the topic,thx u Horus and Intrepid,even if u are the "opposite" about l2jfree,l2j thoughts u explained me so much things:)


    edit:just a thing Horus,Intrepid..for geodata(l2jfree)should i download from their trunk geodata+pathnotes or it is old-dated and i have to use kali's share one?

  4. about the support,is strange because i see that max after 1 day there is an answer.The only thing that make me "sad" is that NB4L1 get nervous after 5mins:P,but about l2jfree's users that go to l2jforum(i am registred in both forums)how l2j's guys can help them?appears strange to me.Anyway after Intrepid's post now i am thinking that l2jemu is better than l2jfree,god i am so confuse>_<

  5. well thats depends on taste you can use and you get low memory usage the most complete skill and the most customs along with some other stuff,you can use l2j well thats the best project as it is the most stable project from all, and you can use l2jfree well thats a bit hard since i never had problem with l2jfree when i used it but long time ago they absolutely ruined the project support is like 0(only if you are a friend of them)you get flamed if you ask something,the pack are kinda -beep-ed up there are really good thing in it but for a live server not enough and well there are some other things but ok horus will say the complete opposite of this anyway since he never used l2j before^^

    uhm Horus and some others told exactly the opposite about support on l2jfree:O,i dunno who trust:) but well,let's wait for someothers to comment and for Horus to answer to Intrepid(i am pretty sure he'll do that^^)
  6. L2JEmu why?


    1.it's very good project but you need stable and compiled srver pack

    2.easy install DB


    i choose L2JEmu :)

    well i just need to know if the new developers will keep it updated:P and also a friend told me that some npcs(after he downloaded the dp) didn't work,is that true?i think that him done something wrong..anyway i just want some more replies:) (if Intrepid,Setekh and some others are here,give me ur opinion)
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