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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. as title says,i need someone that can make for me a new signature and avatar,something new,something that can also "explain" and show off who is "Cloud":P..ofc signature must have the name,the avatar just have to look good..thx u guys,if anyone can do that;)



    p.s.:i already asked magaki and i am waiting him,but because i know that he has not so free time,i want to see other creations too:)

  2. and what is your problem? theat is allready posted? go make caca GIRL :)

    which is our problem?a server can't be posted more than 1 time,u have to post there or to close one..so instead of "go caca girl",topic will be just closed i hope;)




  3. // offtopic  cloud can you tell me how euros are optained? only with adena?

    sorry for asking here but ingame noone seems to help

    the sad thing is that some or maybe half of the players are stupid greeks,i am NOT meaning that GREEKS ARE STUPID,but some of them are child that just donate and they expect to be pro..anyway u earn them through automated events,by killing T-rex on fantasy island(i suggest u to farm to get supertatto and then u can kill them easy..because are not easy)..and by killing mobs on primaveral island and underground coliseum(safe area)...on fantasy island each mob drop 1 euro and maybe a dragonball ball,in other areas mobs drops lots of adena for make adena packs to be converted in euros,have fun!:)
  4. one of the best custom servers left,for those that like custom stuff.the only setback is the farming but at the end i guess its worth it


    //offtopic  if admin ever reads this do something bc i can not log in to beta server anytime only in the mornings

    u are right about the farming but its 1 of the best custom servers that exist atm so it worth playing:) about admin,him is takhs and,because is also a mxc member,u can pm it through the forum;i think u'll have a faster answer maybe.
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