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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. You are always correcting people and G.mods said spam posts like : Wrong Section,Tnx, Look the Rules are forbidden ^^

    (I think i remember that, dont know is it same for this section - probably is :P)

    i don't get what are u trying to say..i correct people who broke rules,i am not a moderator but if i have chance,i correct them anyway.If that is wrong and i can't do that,then i am waiting for a mod that say me :"only mods can correct people" and if that is true,then i'll stop..i am not doing anything wrong.


    edit:about spam post "wrong section",is not a spam post,is ok from my point of wiew and no1 till now told me that is wrong.

  2. well the guide on some parts is not the same as what appear..anyway go on,the only custom table that l2j has at the start is a custom wedding mode,i installed it but i don't know what it is..i think that is a modification on "price" needed for marry..anyway u can also not install it,is not needed at all.If u have more problems feel free to post here or get my msn..if u have it,i can send u my msn via pm

  3. hi guys i trying from 2 day to connect to Aion Ghost Private Server i get this error (cannot connect to authorization server) from last 2 days .  need help plz

    hi guys i have 2 this problem wtf is wrong server is down or what i cant log in :((((( plz help problem the same  (cannot connect to authorization server) !!!!!!

    guys..Ghost Aion was a test server of infiniteaion's owners!;) they wanted to show how they can set up a server and get people on it fast as what i understood..so join InfiniteAion if u need a working aion private server(is not complete..but is the most complete of all)
  4. dear guys,even if this time maybe on the title i used a non correct english,i want to hear to all of ur wishes for Cristmas..feel free to post every wish related to:RL,MxC's forum,L2 etc..come on!:D


    my wishes:1-Get back my karma to 0 :/ even if i know that i have to do something useful for gain it.

                  2-After the end of this year..i want to start school and rl in different way..i mean study more,kiss more my girlfriend(even if i already give a lot of kiss lol).

                  3-Hope to see a very good l2 server(custom one,sry :P) come out and see InfiniteAion complete or at least live!:D

  5. Armor and weapon is easy (1h+) but the Custom Accessory... LoL'd 2k FA (1 Mob Drops 1FA ++ PvP / PK zone) = You'll never get it xD

    what are u saying?Festival Adena?this item is not needed hereO_O..anyway i am not playing any server atm but i suggest u to farm first for the tatoo(3hours?i dunno but for get it at a cheaper prize,go on castle)then everything will be very more easy;)Enjoy!


    i like the srv but i hate the farm ...

    well u are right..but u hate the amount or the pkers?anyway yes,isn't the best farm system that i saw on l2 servers:/
  6. What makes the server better isn't these items, but the balance. And the server is BALANCED  even with the customs.

    that is what i fight for..some or maybe a lot i dunno like customs a lot (i mean items,events,systems) because is the difference between l2 retail and l2 private..anyway as u said customs DO NOT unbalance the server if their stats are cool and balanced as well^^..that's what i want to see on the future MxC server..do not consider this post as a spam post;instead,is a post for say gz to L2Emerald's staff and gl with ur server,even if i think that with these features u'll not need luck^^..when i'll come back to l2(probabily 1 monthxD)l2emeral will be one of the first that i'll join.Till then,have fun guys!
  7. l2 IS NOT dead..atm NcSoft is focusing more on Aion and i hope on new functions with new clients even if i think that we have to wait L3/T.E.R.A(i didnt still understand is is the same game developed by 2 different teams lol) to see something new..just 2 things:bad graphic??lag? first u should say where u met lag..private servers?(noob's one,so 80% of them)official?(even if i didn't play on official,i don't think that there is lag) and lag depends also by ur internet connection..bad graphic?l2 is still one of the mmorpg with the best graphic on the world..u can't compare l2 with aion because aion is new and is built on a different engine..so i am still a fan of l2;)

  8. lol customs... lol stats... lol server... this is NOT lineage... have fun

    is a different kind of play l2..anyway private servers are NOT L2..at least most of them:) and players like me..search for that,not retail;)..i just hope that u tried the server,if not ur comment is not valid..u should try it before comment
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