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Posts posted by Cloud


    I think because there are barely people thinking of those kind of solutions, opportunities on gameplay variation and such, that Lineage 2 private servers are decreasing in population; everyone has played all that has to be played for 4 years; they want new: special things that can be interesting and refreshing, to make it worthwhile going through it again, trying how these modifications affect the regular gameplay. I M H O.


    Anyway; I think stacksub would be interesting. What I'm just saying is that I think everyone has seen most of what is seen from Interlude (released around 2006? Now 3 years later...); put something interesting; use your imagination :)


    think that from tomorrow i'll start Cabal Online because atm there are no l2 servers that make me happy of playing(ecept l2hera but atm i am really bored of mid rates,low rates..)so,i am expeting something different than others,something new,something crazy from MXC staff that will make this server(customs make u farm for something that u are interested for..if someone here remember l2kings hellbound by drogata,it made me spend some time,the farm was ok and was really interesting each 45mins a event that give u reward for get customs faster and at tvt,farm there were tons of pvp..)
  2. i think that as LauQ said customs armor/weapon or whatever custom a server has,if is made with BRAIN(Maxtor and some other guys here got that) it wont unbalance the server..why i like customs?because i think is one of the most difference between retail and private servers and because most times are nicer than normal armors/weapons..at least u can make custom armors,weapons but that affect only pvp..what about that?anyway my kind of server would be


    Xp:1k+ Adena:300 or + till 10kxD(depends on how much adenas are needed on server,because most times there is a custom currency)

    Custom Zones:3 farming areas(1 safe where u can hunt solo,1 safe where u must hunt with 2,3 people but drops are bigger and 1 non safe where u can hunt solo but drops are bigger:D)

    Custom items:some cool fashion items who gives just Speed(that will not make unbalance),1 set of armor with higher stats than s,s8',s84 armors but not +50%p atk etc and 1 set of weapons with dual SA(1 good like focus and 1 like to "support" for example hold,stun)..not the usually paint weapons plz but good ones and a tatto fighter/mage if needed.

    Enchanter npc for +30/40 or 20..i don't really care about enchant max/safe but not 60% ench rate.

    Custom rbs or normal rbs with edited drops and a different event automated each hour^^


    what u think?

  3. Heroes 160?

    Noblesse 5?


    LoginServer: Online GameServer: Online PlayerOnline: 160 Heroes: 22 Noblesse: 5 hehehehe 22 heroes 5 nobl you are funny!

    i dunno what is going on with website....login and gameserver are rly online but other values are completely wrong..so just login guys,i am going to speak to admin soon
  4. GameServer: offline PlayerOnline: 160 oO wtf?

    ps:make a good web if u want player...where if patch download?

    i am already downloading the patch..maybe he is making a rr because when i were at site 5mins ago was all online..btw admin make a better site or u'll get none:(


    ps.are u the old owner Shillien/Cruncher of age-of-shadows?

  5. sry for the offtopic but infiniteaion is 1x or 7x?i don't remember:(


    anyway seems that what infiniteaion posted as solution works^^


    edit: the site for get the L1ON.rar fixed has been changed because the old one is down..check my previous post


    edit2:gathering is not working..and i was the only online..anyway i hope u fix these bugs and i'll come back:P..for now the best is INFINITEAION

  6. Well it  seems that this server aims for retail like server2.Anyway i have the same problem with the error  "1024 failed "

    I think that is a server problem..is something related to the language because i can start the OFFICIAL aion but throught aionghosts.bat it fails..that's a pity because i would try this server..admin answer us since u dont have a forum(i hope u are making it)


  7. oh well..seems that u fixed mail system etc,some things that for now infinite aion doesnt have and also i don't have to farm for get skills:P..i'll try it,if all u say is working correctly,u'll get tons of people:D


    anyway guys..there is an error on website link..the correct is http://www.aionghost.com/


    BIG ERROR :(  : i get error 1024:failed to initialize the game if i start it with ghostaion.bat(i have vista but if i run it as admin..it give error:"can't find aion.bin")..so what to do?if i run the game by ncsoft all goes ok..

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