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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. hi all,as title say i did install on my server all the custom armor,accessories and cloack of The17Heroes server..because i couldn't add sql correctly to my navicat DB i had to modify it:i did copy code from armor db as exaple: Electric Vesper Tunic>>Vesper Tunic code from the database..after i modified all the codes i succefully added them to my DB..then i added itemname,weapongrp,skillname,skillgrp(i think i have problems with skillgrp effects) and all customs are working good on my server ecept for the stats..i mean they just give p def but they dont give atk speed for example from Flaming Armor set...what i did wrong?thx for help



  2. i posted on wrong section only 1/2 times because i started from some days on developing l2j and i didnt know which is the right section for asking about custom developing but no1 told me that i posted on wrong section ecept Horus today so should be only 1 time ..lol..show me all topics on wrong section if u can

  3. again me,i already added a custom set of weapons(hard set) and it worked..now i was trying to add the 17heroes weapons..i added succefully on navicat,server data but i have problem on itemname,skillgpr,skillname and weapongrp.dat..i edited these DAT files succefully but now i get this error when launching l2


    2009.10.10 19:37:51

    OS : Windows Vista 6.0 (Build: 6001)

    CPU : GenuineIntel  Intel® Core2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz @ 2406 MHz 3070MB RAM

    Video : No Video

    PosCode : LS1(83) 0:0:0 4/0 [427]


    General protection fault!


    History: TArrayL2FNameSerialize <- FL2SetItemData::Serialize <- FL2ItemDataBase::Serialize <- FL2ItemNameDataManager::Serialize <- FL2GameData::LoadL2DataBin <- FL2GameData::ItemNameDataLoad <- FL2GameData::Load <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


    what's wrong?



  4. seems that i miss it on itemname-e..how i add it?i mean from where i get codes for add it there correctly..in fact i can spawn it correctly but i dont see name,image..etci cant even equip


    edit: seems that i did something wrong on itemname-e.dat ...this is the file that make the item "appear" and give it a name right?

  5. hi guys,i know i am boring but here is my problem:i fixed problem about adding custom items but now i cant spawn the items in game..i give for example ID 15000 to a weapon but he say that not exist..what i have to do?if i try to change it to for example 300..it spawns another thing that can be for example a misc with ID 300...help me damn

  6. uhm..is so strange i checked for weapon and armor and i dont have a item with ID "9813" and"99000"...but i get still this error..what i have to do?maybe i get this error because the first time i installed a wrong datapack and i needed to download the right one..maybe it still have the old datapack even if i installed the new and i get this error?..i am really confused,i get this error with L2J Database Editor(DragonHunter) too

  7. hi Devs,i started a server just yesterday so i am a newbie developer..i have a gracia final server with datapack version=6705 and server version=3614...the problem is that:when i run batch file to add a custom item..i click start but it doesnt add succefully and give me error like :"[Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

    [Err] INSERT INTO `armor` VALUES ('9813', 'Epic Mask', 'face', 'false', 'none', '1', 'leather', 's', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '500', '48000000', '0', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', '0', '0');

    [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully"...i asked for example Drogata and he thinks that maybe the custom items are not for my datapack..but HOW CAN BE?i have the latest datapack version..what i have to do?i tryied with weapons also and i get this:"[Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

    [Err] -- ---------------------------

    -- By Legollas

    -- ---------------------------

    INSERT INTO `weapon` VALUES ('99000', 'Hard Blade - Haste', 'rhand', 'true', '1300', '1', '1', 'adamantaite', 's', '281', '10', 'sword', '8', '0.00000', '0', '0', '0', '379', '0', '132', '-1', '-1', '48800000', '2052', 'true', 'true', 'true', 'true', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '9365', '3564-1;');

    [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully



    help me guys..Regards



  8. infiniteaion is the best private server atm..ofc on official(for now:P) u can see the best parts of the game,quests are working but,if u wont pay,infinite aion is good..like "we"(yes because currently i never developed a server)did with l2,we'll discover everything about aion..and a day we'll have not bad aion private servers.^^

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