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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. Ehy Bro Dark^^ what about trying www.l2revolt.com ? is a 40x with 200x adena,custom revolt armor,weapons,wings,customs bossed(m,l,x etc)..custom currecy,new skill etc..atm they are finishing the new zone(dunno maybe for farm..),new items, and new functions(as what i remember...give it a try,pm me in game FatalIllusion if u want to join a good clan/ally or for any info^^

  2. i want to report this man called "darkone87"..he is posting the same network/server multiple times:



    3-http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=83551.0 >>on this topic he made a spam post that i already reported to a moderator..


    should him get punished?

  3. i made mage cahr

    with all with light armor mastery with +++ casting

    well i had no more casting than i had with only the robe

    so thats 1:)

    want more?

    chucky wanna know the truth?this is not a bug..i mean that maybe admin made stucksub yes but without stuck for masteries..this means no OP mages..if i am right admin should be a great guy
  4. hi cheaters,here i want to advertise my friend's own server..name is L2Nitrous and is a interlude pvp server


    Info:Exp 5000

    Safe 7 Max 25

    Normal Scroll Rate: 80%

    Blessed Scrool Rate:95%

    Custom Gatekeeper With Farming Area/PvP Area

    Buffer All Buffs 3h



    Special Shop with Vepser Gold armor and Demonic weapons.

    Custom Gm-Shop with all S grade items (No Grade Penalty)

    Stucksub system main+3


    ps:is a good server,i already tested it but is still on beta and is opened from yesterday..so if u find bug report them to Admin Fallen or Admin Fionik


    Site:http://l2-nitrous.ucoz.net/(i dunno currently if server will have a new domain)

  5. it is a stolers, is not real owner ... ownaege is closed so ... stop taking name of another servers for your server, you will not have same chances!

    lol..read before insult..mace is just advertsing the server and l2Ownage as opened again as l2ownagereborn.com...read better next time..


    for server:gl to ownage^^

  6. Hi,


    I will look it up now, as I was wondering it lately as well. Unfortunatly the C5< method (with just importing the script in with UnrealED) doesnt work here because you can't open the packs with UnrealED. And extracting all images and putting them back is firstly alot of work, and secondly; most animated pics (like enchanting, and augmenting) won't work anymore as they have variables that are unknown.


    So, now im looking in all the .dat files and .int files etc. If I find anything Ill reply here again, and if I dont then I dont know the answer ^^


    EDIT: sorry mate; it's inside inferface.u and I can't fully decrypt it. So if either someone knows how to open a .utx from CT2.3 in UnrealED or knows how to decrypt and encrypt .u files then it can be done :/

    i like ur work,answer and i hope that someone will help me..as i think interlude interface skin wont work with gracia final..anyway looking for other answers^^ thx LauQ
  7. hi all..as title says i am looking for a skin that modify the interface of gracia final client(inventory etc..)..looking for answers^^


    @moderators:i am sry to post that here..but since custom developement section is currently hidden..i dunno where to ask..


    Edit:only now i see that custom developent section for share is again visible to all members...then if u want lock this topic,do it..thx and sry for post here

  8. Niah 2 months ago you couldn't hit a mob (on prive servers) and now they added 10lv skills , they are going really slow trust me playing a prive servers at least on Aion it is a waste of time you lose the essence of real gameplay you thing that game sucks etc but you don't have an idea about it , all this just for some euro xD btw 2 ss from aion official (EU)





    width=1024 height=640http://i26.tinypic.com/e0suvn.jpg[/img]

    no phoenix,i think game is pretty nice but even if i want pay for it..i cant..i am 15 years old..i just play l2 from c4...i just hope to play a not bad aion server "soon"...nothing more
  9. Dear Cheaters^^,i want to introduce this good server mid rate called l2 Revolt.Here are the Features


    Fanelia Rates:

    EXP: 35x

    SP: 100x

    Adena: 200x

    Drop: 5x

    Spoil: 5x


    Autolearn Skills:

    - No SP & spellbooks needed.

    - Gain your skills by the level you reach.


    NPC Buffers:

    - Second profession buffs, dances and songs.

    - Buffs/Dances/Songs last 1 Hour and 20 minutes.

    - Renewal & Champion last 1 Hour and 20 minutes

    - Third profession special buffs last 20 minutes | COV, Magnus, POW etc.

    - Possibility to create an "AIO buffer" near the Subclass Changers.


    Custom Currency System:

    - In order to obtain high value items, one must hunt for Revolt Coins.

    - Revolt Coins are obtainable in the Special Farming Zones.

    - They are also obtainable from Revolt & Epic Bosses.

    - A small amount of Revolt Coins is obtainable in the Boosted Zones

    - Exchangeable at the Currency Exchanger in the main towns

    - Also exchangeable at the various shops.


    There are 3 different currency values

    - Revolt Copper [Revolt Coin of Lower Value]

    - Revolt Silver [Revolt Coin of Middle Value]

    - Revolt Gold [Revolt Coin of Higher Value]



    Subclass & Noblesse Quests:

    - Global Gatekeeper teleports you to Master Reorin.

    - Misc Shop Linnea sells all the Quest items for Subclass & Noblesse Quests.

    - This does not mean that these quests come for free our without a fight.


    Balanced Olympiad:

    - Every weapon over the enchant +10 gets it's power decreased temporarily in olympiad as if it is a +10 weapon.

    - Jewels and armors above +10 (which is rare) also follow this rule.

    - Revolt & Titanium armors are not allowed in the Olympiad.

    - Dynasty and the official Revolt Olympiad Armors are allowed in the Olympiad.

    - Admins/GM observe olympiad to prevent feeding. DONT EVEN TRY IT !!!



    Full-Equipped Newbie Characters:

    - Fighters wear top No-Grade battle gear & Soulshots

    - Mages wear top No-Grade battle gear & Blessed Spiritshots


    Boosted EXP Zones:

    - Attractive EXP Zones which give double the EXP.

    - Boosted Adena and Revolt Copper drops.

    - GM Protected Zones

    - Follow the Global Gatekeeper zone descriptions


    - Lv. 01-10 : Newbie Gremlin Zones

    - Lv. 10-20 : Ruins of Agony

    - Lv. 20-40 : Execution Grounds

    - Lv. 40-52 : Cruma Tower 1st Floor

    - Lv. 52-61 : Cruma Tower 2nd Floor

    - Lv. 61-66 : Dragon Valley Caves

    - Lv. 66-70 : Lair of Antharas - Heart

    - Lv. 70-76 : Imperial Tomb


    - Beware of PvP & PK

    - All other locations like Forbidden Gateway, Blazing Swamp, Tower of Insolence, Varka, Ketra, Forge of the Gods etc. exist and give pretty good EXP also.



    Special Farming Zones:


    *Many Special Farming Zones available that require smart gameplay and teamplay.

    *Plenty of Revolt Coins droppable.

    *S-Grade weapons with SA droppable.

    *Beware of PvP & PK.


    Solo Zones:

    - Monastery of Silence North & South

    - Mithril Mines

    - Chromatic Highlands A, B and C

    - Spoiler's Paradise Dungeon


    Party Zones:

    - Monastery of Silence Deep

    - Primeval Island [Hotspot A & B]

    - Hellbound Island [soon to come]



    Primeval Island:

    - Currently the Main party location to be.

    - The best Party location with high copper & weapons drop.

    - Only location where Revolt Weapons are dropped.

    - Filled with Raidbosses and T-rexes.

    - Beware of PvP & PK


    Spoiler's Paradise:

    - Unique Spoilers & Crafters system.

    - Side-Currency to the Revolt Coin Currency system.

    - In order to obtain high value Tattoo-Accessories, one must hunt for Spoiler's Coins

    - We try to ensure that every class fulfills it's purpose. So dear Spoiler/Crafter fans, this is your chance to prove what you're made of.

    - You can exchange them at the Currency Exchanger


    There are two different Spoiler's Coins:

    - Spoiler's Copper [spoiler's Coin of Lesser Value]

    - Spoiler's Gold [spoiler's Coin of Higher Value]


    *For more info, click on the following link:

    Spoiler's Paradise



    Revolt Bosses:

    - You will notice that the world of Revolt is filled with Custom Bosses.

    - Raid some of the many Small, Medium, Large or Epic bosses in the game. Check our forum and you will know all you need to know [link for RB].

    - Core, Orfen, Queen Ant, Zaken, Baium, Antharas Valakas and many more Epic Bosses are also available.



    Revolt Shops & Stores


    Linnea Misc Shop

    Sabrina Armor Shop

    Ragnos Special Shop

    Luxury Trader [spoiler's Paradise]


    Armors & Weapons


    S-grade Weapons

    Dynasty Weapons

    Icarus Weapons

    Dusk Sword & Staff

    Revolt Weapons


    S-grade Armors

    Honor Armors

    Revolt Armors

    Titanium Armors




    Automated TvT Event

    Constant Events by the GMs

    Simon says

    Hide & Seek

    Korean Style PvP

    Team Style PvP

    Free For All

    Fun Events

    Adena Art

    Forum Events

    ... and much much more


    the community is about 700 players-1000..depends by days,work etc u know..

    i tried this server and i really like it,donation are not OP,i mean u cant donate for something that players cant obtain with farm..Just give it a try if u are looking for a custom mid rate(the exp isnt so low because there are exp boosted zones)


    (I am not the admin,gm)



  10. That are you talking about LOOOL , on private servers you can't hit mobs it doesn't have NPC yes cause they are private servers but on official Aion it has lulz , btw nice FAQ for new people on aion

    ehm phoenix..on some private server u already can lv up and gain skill up to lv 10(if i am not wrong not more for now) and attack mobs,check npc(not all)...private servers are going better day by day but for now is useless play there..will happen the same that happened to l2:we'll be able to play Aion without pay with some bugs ofc but we'll not have to pay:P..i think that at the end of this year we'll have a not so bad aion server working
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