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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. hi guys,i think that it's time for me to find again a good server to start l2 again(it's like a


    Here is what i look for:

    -Mid rate server between 100x(80x is good as well) and 200x exp and adena between 100x and 400x

    -G.Final/Epilogue Client

    -Must have 400 players daily,it must have some population(no 50-100 people)

    -Must have at least 1 custom type of weapon and armor

    -Enchant rates not really hard-->more than 66% safe 3/5 and max 16/25

    -Farm i don't really care,but i won't spend 10years to get top armor/weapon/jewel +0 lol

    -Active Staff,this means adding,fixing etc

    -Not 1month server plox:(


    finally,we can say that i look for a server like l2 revolt/hera (if u know 1 of these servers,tell me if it is worth to start again there,i got some items)

  2. "L2J Gracia Epilogue" has been released. All the L2J DEVs working hard on it during a month and a bit more. This new release include several new features (included some features missing from older chronicles), bug fixes, code improvements, more stability, and some more things...


    "L2J Gracia Epilogue" is ready to be used on live servers. The project has been tested some weeks before release it (on live servers of some of our devs) and is stable.

    thnx for you propose but i will stay in epilogue i know that it isnt stable as final but i will update it every time new rev comes out..just have this problem :S when i try to buy smth its dissconnects me :/

    do u know why the "release" isn't still in the nightlies?anyway what i want to mean is that for now epilogue is new,they are working on it and they made,imo,a wrong decision by making it downloadable trought eclipse;if i was you,i would wait more about 1 or 2 months more just to see more features,more stable and more npcs,addons from mxc,la2base etc for G.Epilogue.
  3.  Microsoft Windows XP [Versione 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale>cd D:\programmi\collabnet
    D:\Programmi\CollabNet>cd subversionclient
    Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.
    D:\Programmi\CollabNet>cd D:\Programmi\CollabNet\Subversion Client
    D:\Programmi\CollabNet\Subversion Client>cd D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale
    \Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2j-commons
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2j-comm
    ons>D:\Programmi\maven\bin\mvn install
    [iNFO] Scanning for projects...
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Building l2j-commons-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
    [iNFO]    task-segment: [install]
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
    [iNFO] Checking for local modifications: skipped.
    [iNFO] Updating project files from SCM: skipped.
    [iNFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "svn --non-interactive info"
    [iNFO] Working directory: D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree S
    erver OK\l2j-free\l2j-commons
    Provider message:
    The svn command failed.
    Command output:
    "svn" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
    un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Cannot get the revision information from the scm repository :
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Total time: 1 second
    [iNFO] Finished at: Sun Jan 10 09:25:00 CET 2010
    [iNFO] Final Memory: 12M/243M
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cmd" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
    un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2j-comm
    ons>cd D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2j-mmoc
    ore>D:Programmi\maven\bin\mvn install
    Impossibile trovare il percorso specificato.
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2j-mmoc
    ore>cd D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2jfree-
    core>D:\Programmi\maven\bin\mvn clean:clean
    [iNFO] Scanning for projects...
    [iNFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'clean'.
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Building l2jfree-core-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
    [iNFO]    task-segment: [clean:clean]
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] [clean:clean {execution: default-cli}]
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Total time: < 1 second
    [iNFO] Finished at: Sun Jan 10 09:25:01 CET 2010
    [iNFO] Final Memory: 10M/243M
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cmd" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
    un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2jfree-
    core>D:\Programmi\maven\bin\mvn assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    [iNFO] Scanning for projects...
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Building l2jfree-core-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
    [iNFO]    task-segment: [assembly:assembly] (aggregator-style)
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Preparing assembly:assembly
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Building l2jfree-core-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] [buildnumber:create {execution: default}]
    [iNFO] Checking for local modifications: skipped.
    [iNFO] Updating project files from SCM: skipped.
    [iNFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "svn --non-interactive info"
    [iNFO] Working directory: D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree S
    erver OK\l2j-free\l2jfree-core
    Provider message:
    The svn command failed.
    Command output:
    "svn" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
    un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Cannot get the revision information from the scm repository :
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [iNFO] Total time: 1 second
    [iNFO] Finished at: Sun Jan 10 09:25:03 CET 2010
    [iNFO] Final Memory: 13M/243M
    [iNFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cmd" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,
    un programma eseguibile o un file batch.
    D:\Documents and Settings\Andrea-Ale\Desktop\L2JFree Server OK\l2j-free\l2jfree-

    this is what i get,now i have only the error:"Cannot get the revision information from the scm repository :


    " following the guide seems to have fixed the other errors..now any solution about that?(i am waiting also for answer in jfree forum )


    EDIT:i found a post by savormix that was telling to not use 1.6collabnet version,is that right?if yes then i installed the 1.6++.Anyway i tried with 1.5 version and is "too old for work with working copy.." hope someone can help.

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