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About efd

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  1. i dont have a clue man
  2. great share dude.
  3. i dont like servers that are super oped.
  4. i like MS for the speed and escapability.
  5. apella looks the best of all armors.
  6. light is better for the evasion
  7. overlord by far
  8. this server is really great. been her for a month and i would recommend it to any one.
  9. ive been hero 8 times 7 times with Eva's Templar 1 time with Heirophant.
  10. i like the new style cause when u mage crit someone like 5 times in a row it feels good.
  11. a party mix is better especially for pvp.
  12. depends on what u guna use the archer for or in. the best archer for oly is sr and for pvp prolly pr.
  13. yeah l2eternal just put up those donation items.
  14. depends on what server ur playing on. on high rates u want to play mage and low rates u prolly want to play fighter mage mixed.
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