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Everything posted by HackMeUpReturns

  1. :O It would be very awesome if Maxtor is in the server's staff but I'm not sure...
  2. Dimis Good Work As I checked but i will keep on in the kvn server :) Also I wish you good luck with your server because I know the problems are coming around opening one server but you have 4 ++ I know L2Mafia from when it was In a ucoz site and had a classic skin...
  3. "qq" and "jimis1" Stop digging old posts and read the damn rules... Server is closed for a lot of time..
  4. Why the server is stickied?? It is not even online ... Who from MaxCheaters Staff is on the server's staff??
  5. OoPPPSSS !! Server has been hacked .... who ? what? why ? .... who knows EDIT : Because all n00bish want to create their own server I have to say how the server has been hacked... There was so easy... Navicat... Ip : TheIpOfServer Port : 3306 username : root pass : No Pass in the database ... how do u expect to open a server ???....
  6. No you can't.... none can;t !! You are a spammer ... Server sucks for so0r
  7. I have done it accidentaly to L2Mafia Koofs vs n00bs and i had one koof and one noob with same name ...but without phx just pressing the button again and again
  8. You just try to fix your server and do not criticise me or my creations...
  9. Yes ...my server will be online very soon..and believe me that there it won't be any possibility you can reach it's level
  10. Another Ucoz server.... Another Bugged Pack... What Else??....BB
  11. Link Broken !! Download Interlude Client From Here : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=64038.0 Read Forum !! Something Unique is coming out..
  12. Something from the homepage <html> <!-- Mirrored from www.l2deathwhisper.com/ by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2008], Sun, 21 Jun 2009 14:09:35 GMT --> <head> <title>Lineage ][ Legendary - Home</title> Copied By A Program ....Illegal... Testing server ...Preconfigured is it?? Ye sor No??
  13. Are you kiddin' me?? My pc/connection specs : CPU : Intel Quad Core Q9550 Ram : 4gb Kingston DDR2 Fastest Hard Disk : 3x300GB WD Velocipator 10.000fps Connection : 24 mbps down , 1megabyte up
  14. Server site is c/p from l2deathwhisper one's......EPIC FAIL !! Preconfigured??
  15. I was just waiting for the time it will close!! It was just a failed parody...I know you tried a lot to create it but there are a lot of problems in this type of servers....The servers that don't have a lot of problems in L2J are PvP or Rpg...alll other have massive bugs that you need 1year to fix them...
  16. Yeah of course !! We have ordered the new machine and in about 5 days we will have it ready !! Here are some specs : *Dual Intel Dual Core Xeon 5150 *16GB DDR2 FB RAM / 500GB SATA2 HDD *Housing/Power/Aircon/Infrastructure/Traffic *100mb up/down connection Waiting for ya Updates : New Gm Added : [GM]*HackMeUp* Worse Updates : The Server will be closed for a month for updates and the machine too ...It may be not the whole month but you have to be patient in order to join again !!When we re-open it we'll have the best machine ! This machine can handle up to 2000 people online
  17. Server Site Changed!! New Updates Coming Http://l2-montana.tk
  18. Ok !! I've go mistaken :( !! Let me make one search again ... 1.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22174.0 2.http://rapidshare.com/files/218575690/GeoData_Pathnodes_IL.7z ( Credits GodOfAden ) All For Interlude^^
  19. There is not wall !! This is the probl meight !! Geodata : http://forums.hopzone.net/showthread.php?p=18880
  20. Website Will Be Changed Very Soon ( Maximum a week ) ... We will add the server in hopzone ( due some problems ,because we were banned for no reason...you know hopzone now... )
  21. Before you mxc was nothing !! You created the perfect server ...I believe tha none except you can handle this project ! I'm really sorry you stop this project here and I wish someone who has knowledge will handle YOUR server !!
  22. It's back....Let's rock n' rollaaaaaaaaa GL !! No More Wipes...
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