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Everything posted by HackMeUpReturns

  1. Server Specifications are F*c*i*g Awesome ...Joining right now !! L2aria is closed :) EDIT : Server Sucks....90% are donators and they think they are pwning ...they are just so noobs..
  2. Futzi...You double posted djekibg you are spamming Pleae avoid doing this guys Server is awesome i have AS+25
  3. Could you please give us more info about the custom items?? ( Stats , Name ) How many customs you have ...really huge systextures pack
  4. djekibg : Have you ever read the rules?? Double-Posting isn't allowed and you have done it 2 times
  5. Server is down !!! Server Service!!! Server open 19/5/09 Thx [ADMIN]cRuSe* ( Not developer ,because they are so noobs ...they can't even change tatoo stats and put a custom shop ) gg guys ...continuing as a player IG : MikiMaous 0 lag 100%
  6. yes ..I totally Agree . Server Is Awesome And The Developer Has a lot of knowledge,but all the ppls are gone and none is left,this server was up and now down! Please Vote ,Just Vote to make it again famous
  7. The Files For Gracia 2.2 where can be found?? Or is a custom version?
  8. MM...The enchant is kinda epic fail..all the other specs rockzz ! Just decrease enchant to 1k and
  9. How the hell you do not have customs and you have ( systextures,animations,textures ) for download?? Are you kiddin' me?? Anyway... I believe that it will not be any lag because when I See lag server is Epic Fail And i do not believe those words : "we will add it soon at a datacenter" ... Also, you are using a terrible site from freewebs THE WORST : 4Shared detects a virus in your system folder... I will try downloading the system onto a virtual machine and heal the virus or what is is... EDIT 2 : Server is down... test it yourself : http://status.blackout-gaming.net/status.php?dns=alexionutz.no-ip.biz&port=7777&style=1 L2.exe does not open too ( virus 100% ) WASTING TIME... ;(
  10. Ok meight ..I Was Just Wondering WHat Had Happened ..not eat me !! So much time downtime for this 2 small updates? You could keep the server on and configure the db and after do one //reload
  11. The PvP Server Is Currently down ... could you please inform us what is going on??
  12. I see that you are opening -closing servers the last year ... i do not trust you anymore
  13. 1st : correct your english 2nd : do not use big words in search just : DMa , l2dma
  14. Firstly ! I Admire you a lot as you are top 1 in dreamgaming l2 and you have left 2days + Secondly, What do you mean with "experienced dev"?? Third,I know that you had a server and it has been closed...this server?? I really like the name of it and I 'll be online soon( maybe today) IG Name : MikiMaous ( if you remember from dreamgaming ;) ) Regards
  15. how you stuck the skills in one weapon???
  16. Server is down... TNL Has 4 augment skills?? how??
  17. "Server shooting down for updates and fix something" IN WEBSITE....
  18. I will make a dwarf for enchant and after trade it to main character !!or subclass the dwarf after the ++ EDIT : I cannot login meight !!! Fix It
  19. Yes...Take It Here : System : http://www.4shared.com/file/98996520/46d31b35/system.html SysTextures 1 : http://www.4shared.com/file/97043645/7cace3c7/Dunasty_Systextures.html SysTextures 2 : http://www.4shared.com/file/97043645/7cace3c7/Systextures.html
  20. Very Nice Specifications ! 1.I really like servers that max enchant is safe enchant too ,because you are not based in luck but in your experience with the game ! 2.Your Server Site Is Hosted In Uzoz ! A Lot Of Server Which Site was ucoz are now down ( I Don;y know why ,but the most of them are...except l2mafia*...) Ps* It Started In Ucoz And It Is One Of The Heavyloaded Servers I Know EDIT : Joining :P
  21. Joined !!! Very Good Server,But I Think That You Must Accelerate The Vitality System( I mean you must do it when you take experience not lose so fast your vitality bars ) C You In Game! ;) Name : MikiMaous Regards
  22. Http://L2DeathWhisper.com (5000x PvP)+(800x StackSubs 1+3) PvP : Custom Armors ( Whisper Armors ) Custom Weapons (Death Weapons ) Custom Mask (Death Mask ) safe = +7 max = +30 Success = 75%
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