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About HammerV2

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    Dominican Republic
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  1. Cant log in, stuck at server selection
  2. pretty nice, so no bots no dual box! Amazing!
  3. ill join, max box per pc?
  4. i got DC every time i take a screen shot using prt scr
  5. items handlers is no longer at java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/itemhandlers/ , i try to make those directories but is not working... :S i do get a console error trying to compile at MagicSkill Use too
  6. Hey guys i want to make it work for my pack but i failed several times, any help? hints? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/76734-share-noblesse-custom-item/
  7. Works for me, thanks, i had to find another way to L2playable bcz i had no that boolead, but thanks anyway
  8. Thanks! and that rar its amazing!
  9. thanks i really apreciate it!
  10. Well, still w8ting for any idea to fix it :S
  11. ok guys thanks for answer, now there is the same error in others ai scripts like anais,java and gordon,java x.x
  12. Hello guys, i need some help with this, idk why this error apear from nowhere, here my console error and java.log Log My Code File: http://pastebin.com/EgyPi8pm Yesterday it was working pretty nice, today i shutDown my server to make a full Backup, and when i started it again this error apear.
  13. Lest close it. Solved!
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