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Everything posted by naxo13

  1. OverLord its the best oly char
  2. hahaha really usefull ;D
  3. NIce antivirus, but i think that nod32 its better, At least for me
  4. Rest in Peace T.T
  5. Mmmmmmm, i'm new in this forum, but u can search all users and see from where they r, if the r from russia they speak it :P
  6. i hope that they develop a new cure without this side effects >.<
  7. hahahaha it's good xD
  8. Mmmm, i'm going to enter, but i love the oldstyle :P
  9. naxo13

    Saw 5

    Nice movie, but there r betters
  10. Wow, wikipedia is in crisis xD, i hope that they can get out of it, couse i copy n paste all the inform for the school :P
  11. Anyone can post screens of this mod? >.<
  12. Mmmm, i think that a shortcut to "%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 12" it's the same like te program :P. -r = Restart, you can use -s that is shutdown :P -t XX = The time that u want before the pc do the restart xD
  13. Good Job, it works perfect D
  14. hahah Hi major
  15. CritHitz0r RunRunRun
  16. Good guide, but i think that in almost all of the servers they kill the AQ like that
  17. hahahha gay dwarf hahahah xD
  18. Mm, my favourite class is Adventurer, couse of the con, and the dash.
  19. Mmmm, i think that Sps+Bishop, with a pp walker
  20. Wow!, nice color ;D
  21. Mmmmm, i enchant like this: 1) Enchant weapon +4 2) Enchant another weapon till +6 3) When i reach the other weapon to +6, i enchant +4 to +5 4) Then i broke the +6 and get another weapon and i enchant to +6 5) When i reached the third weapon to +6, i enchant the first weapon from +5 to +6 6) And then like the points 3, 4, 5 ;D The first weapon never broke ;D
  22. When?: I don't Know, when the newest chronicle was c1, i think 4 or 5 years ago Why n How?: A friend told me that was a good game
  23. NoWhereToRun ;)
  24. Hawk Eye rulz, he have the best range, and it's the most balanced class
  25. I think: 1- BladeDancer 2- SwordSinger 3- WarCryer 4- ElvenElder 5- 5 Titans Or 1- BladeDancer 2- SwordSinger 3- WarCryer 4- ElvenElder 5- Warlock 6- 4 Titans
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