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About marek2904

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  1. he is a scammer. this is only website copy from HTTrack that I can download myself. https://www38.zippyshare.com/v/vcWoqafp/file.html
  2. @chapunba https://gofile.io/?c=AUIyem - RateChangerLight
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V6Ocmy5jDdAdZsOvmdksVsqZlq0wAEGm/view
  4. AdvExt or Vanganth? check //ssq cyclemode
  5. Trusted, fast services
  6. Contact: MxC Forum (PM) Skype: marek29044 What can I offer: - Simple advertisement ( ~55 Facebook groups - mostly EU/ Latin Interlude community | ~10 Lineage2 Forums & Daily bumps ) - Development Services ( Prefers AdvExt files, but I can also work with Vangath - Interlude only! ) - L2Off Account Panel ( 4 languages : English/Spanish/Portuguese/ Russian | also supports several servers! ) - Twitch Livestream 24/7 ( 30 days + extra viewbots ) Contact: MxC Forum (PM) Skype: marek29044
  7. it seems to me that website is a copy of L2raio ( ) next after l2bt, but very nice :)
  8. it's good, but I'm waiting for other offers. - Voting system ( must be! - l2topzone / l2network / hopzone )
  9. Hello, I would like to buy a L2OFF panel. requirements: - account registration - change password ( with confirmation by email. ) - recover password -prefix - lucky wheel - not required. - statistics ( pvp / pk / castle / clan ) - donation system including PayPal, G2A / paysafecard - Voting system ( must be! - l2topzone / l2network / hopzone ) - donate shop - transfer coins directly to game - services ( sex change, gender, name change, name color and title color etc ) Contact me via PM.
  10. l2j / l2off?
  11. these are the new NPCs.. tested and working 100%. did you add AI to ai.obj?
  12. mammon_m class 1 mammon_m : merchant { handler: EventHandler TALKED( talker ) { myself::ShowPage( talker, "merchant_of_mammon001.htm" ); return; } } mammon_b class 1 mammon_b : merchant { handler: EventHandler TALKED( talker ) { myself::ShowPage( talker, "blacksmith_of_mammon001.htm" ); return; } } npcdata.txt npc_begin citizen 35720 [mammon_m] level=70 acquire_exp_rate=0.0 acquire_sp=0 unsowing=1 clan={} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_race_dwarves;@s_full_magic_defence} npc_ai={[mammon_m];{[fnHi]=[merchant_of_mammon001.htm]};{[MoveAroundSocial]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=203};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=203}} category={} race=dwarf sex=male undying=1 can_be_attacked=0 corpse_time=7 no_sleep_mode=0 agro_range=0 ground_high={120;0;0} ground_low={50;0;0} exp=429634524 org_hp=2444.46819 org_hp_regen=7.5 org_mp=1345.8 org_mp_regen=2.7 collision_radius={22;22} collision_height={18;18} str=40 int=21 dex=30 wit=20 con=43 men=20 base_attack_type=fist base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=30 base_physical_attack=688.86373 base_critical=4 physical_hit_modify=5 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=470.40463 base_defend=295.91597 base_magic_defend=216.53847 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.6 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end npc_begin citizen 35721 [mammon_b] level=70 acquire_exp_rate=0.0 acquire_sp=0 unsowing=1 clan={} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_race_dwarves;@s_full_magic_defence} npc_ai={[mammon_b];{[fnHi]=[blacksmith_of_mammon001.htm]};{[MoveAroundSocial]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=85};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=140}} category={} race=dwarf sex=male undying=1 can_be_attacked=0 corpse_time=7 no_sleep_mode=0 agro_range=0 ground_high={120;0;0} ground_low={50;0;0} exp=429634524 org_hp=2444.46819 org_hp_regen=7.5 org_mp=1345.8 org_mp_regen=2.7 collision_radius={8;8} collision_height={16.5;16.5} str=40 int=21 dex=30 wit=20 con=43 men=20 base_attack_type=fist base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=30 base_physical_attack=688.86373 base_critical=4 physical_hit_modify=5 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=470.40463 base_defend=295.91597 base_magic_defend=216.53847 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.6 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end
  13. http://www.depmax64.com/en/products/view/1 free trial.
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