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Everything posted by MrPerfect20

  1. Looking to buy the following items on Naia . Eternal Leather Set PVP or PVE +10 R99 Dual Daggers +12 or more Blessed Antharas Blessed Lindviour
  2. I am looking to buy items / Adena and LVL 99 Chars on NAIA Items i have interest in . 7s Talisman Abundance LvL 4 Blessed Antharas / Valakas , Tauti , Earth Wyrm , Lindvior +10 normal or PVP Eternal LA Set Adena I buy adena in bulk .. minimum 10b ... max 50b > if your price is good .. we will discuss pricing . LvL 99 Chars Interest I am looking for chars that are on separat accounts and not 2 3 LVL 99 on same account. I am interested in 3 classes . Wyn Summoner ISS Ertheia Mage Prices will be discussed in private / skype ... NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE Scammers beware ... you can't touch this ;) , so .. dont lose my time . You want money .. i want the stuff above ... either that or get lost .
  3. next time choose to deal with professionals ... i recomand L2 Scripts .
  4. Hello dear maxcheaters .. it seems it has happend again . There is no such thing as professionalism in the world anymore . I present to you 2 scums of the earth in this Raport . 1 of them is LightFusion I talked to this man to provide a preview for some armors and weapons .. i wanted to buy some unique work and he said he would do it for the right price . Anyway ... as all kids this days he was geting to cocky and refused to do the 1 preview i asked him to do . For short i did not gave him the work and assigned another for it . 2 the name is MrSmi5tt i don't know if he has an account here or not ... i was introduced to this person by individ number 1 ... i saw he was skilled and i asked him to work on my web design .. i payed 50% up front witch i think it normal when contracting work .. Anyway .. the months passed and no updates , he kept using lame excuses not to give me an update ... untill one day he spilled the beans ... this person refused to work on what i payed him to do for individual number 1 .. why ? cause i did not give him the work and he QQ to individual number 2 . FYA : Professionalism is doing the work your assigned .. not listening to kids who complain for not delivering a simple preview and just wanted to scam for cash .. Anyway ... I did a compromice and payed individual #1 25% of the agreed price of what he was going to work on .. After payment ... lame excuses and no updates as well .. untill silence . Individual #2's DeviantArt link : http://mrsmi5tt.deviantart.com/ If you do not want to lose your money ... simply find more professional people who do the job they are payed for and not find excuses to scam you . Individual #1 ( Chat starts from when i find out the reason why Individual 2 will not work on what i payed him , because i have deleted Individual 1 ) http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind1_zpsayz2h7gh.png http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind1_zpsse8f8q6y.png http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind1_zpsv1ergv2b.png http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind1_zpsmrx2cmox.png Anyway .... fast forward alittle bit http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind1_zps2ypelvwn.png http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind1_zpsp4s7qjlh.png Paypal Transaction to that email .. http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind1_zpsydafepsy.png The rest is Silence ..... Individual #2 .. there is a long chat .. but il cut down to when he gives me the reason he did not work on what i payed him to do http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Ind2_zpscw06o7qn.png I can only say this ... if you need professional people to deal with regarding Armors and Weapons .. i suggest CriticalError .
  5. Prices ?
  6. BMW 2002-2006 model M3
  7. Price for splash and login screen ?
  8. As the title say's ... i am looking for a dedicated client dev to make some custom armors and weapons , ofc not for free .. portfolio or recent work requested . Details will be discussed in skype . Leave your links or work in this topic .. if i find it to my liking i will contact you .. random PM's will not be responded to .
  9. Let me help you say what you really wanted to say . " who cares still most FAKE populated eu mid rate "
  10. I have played here and tested .. i don't know about corruption ... but if more then a few ppl say it there .. it there , i was jailed for no aparent reason and when i asked why .. i got banned , i was asked to pay 300 euro to be unbanned .. cause i had very good items and for witch i did not donate 1 single euro . I have gotten to the conclusion this server is made for profit and not thought for the well being of the community or the game , L2tales is a business plane and simple . However ... nobody is forcing anyone to join this server , if you don't like it .. simply ignore it and do not post , let the 1 post accounts be the only ppl interested in this topic . Good luck with your upcoming server and hope you at least show some respect for the players that makes up your community and ultimatly your profits . They are not mindless sheep and they can leave at any time .. you might think 1 person leaves .. ahh still 5k left , but that is the begining of the end of a server . Have fun dear players , and no .. lineage 2 is not dead , it has just been corrupted by a few and people have lost faith . But worry not .. L2 will Rise Again . Peace ;)
  11. Mind i ask ... how long to get a reply ? :/
  12. Contacted via web .
  13. I am looking for a developer to create 2 Unique Armor Sets and 2 Unique Weapon Sets . Keep in mind i do not need colored vesper shit witch i can do myself . If you are skilled and are looking to make some $ in your spare time .. send me a message containing some of your work ( pics ) And we will discuss further from there .
  14. Ty for this great share , it is very usefull if you put your mind around it :D
  15. You are using 1% he is using 6% CPU .
  16. AMD in general gets more hoter and much faster . If had this problem in the past .. even had 3 processors get burned bad , after i switched to Intel .. that problem disapeared , i got a i7 quad on my desktop , and a i5 on my laptop , i will never switch back to AMD , as for the answer .. since the begining of time .. AMD has had a heating problem .
  17. I did pay 250 €
  18. The web was supposed to be 3 websites from 0 design and code .. he failed to give the developer the information. The developer was surprised when i told him and asked wtf ? Cause the price he gave him was for 1 design and code . Anyway ... be carefull when you are dealing with this individual.
  19. Stathnfo aka owner of hostchefs.eu is a decieving money hungry little shit . He has developers who work for him ... the developers tell him a price and ofc he +++++ that price and when he's little secret does not hold and the developer leaves his company . The next bit is interesting . I have payed a part of the price for witch i did not receive a single file from the website i payed more then half the $. Now that i refused to pay him cause his developer left and does not work for him anymore .. he threats to sue . So my dear maxcheaters .. be carefull when your dealing with this money hungry little shit ;) . http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11-20-00-01-49_zpsfmsyx5q1.png http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk279/MrPerfect19/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-11-20-00-18-06_zpsikv0hnec.png
  20. Good luck girls ! But still tagg Girls ? What's that all about ?
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