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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. this code is bad in many ways... to many codes written inside, old codes that can be done in one line and its heavy, since you designed it for acis you could at least follow the patterns they provide with the treads and the connections, I didnt see all the code but its if else if else if else if no switch case senarios and bad excersise to for->teams->get players-thread it could be done for players->getTeam-> actions 1 time on a thread if nessasary if you wanted it so much that way
  2. newbie approach, if they get dc this info is lost xD plus if they are in db WHILE the event is running with a check in enterworld you can restore the dc.. player inside the arena (drops mic) EDIT: man i just saw your code in the video and i stopped it in the first 10 seconds staring the code at the part with the for loops with the thread inside NEVER ... EVER do that!
  3. that means that you dont have any more space in your hard disk.. delete log folder and recreate it
  4. you just helped him to raise to many questions that he dont even know how to ask he has to start from the basics good luck on that complex way to start
  5. http://prntscr.com/j77h2z this is how you start this will open a window. you register also the voiced command on the voiced handler, this is an example of what you ask the rest is up to the brain.
  6. poor is your brain, use the rest of it to do some search in the forum and you will learn by viewing codes and what they do.
  7. if you dont(cant?) want to save them in an int variable you can just store them in database before they enter or you can set a X Y Z +RND(10, 200) in the (propably) for loop you have to restore them in town
  8. or a query on the database and print them for your self.
  9. nai analoga to pack pou xrisimopieis
  10. the script compiler did you find this classes? you must change there the version then you must change the builder.xml, you have to change the eclipse compiler too and you need to change the jar i dont remember the jar name amazing... its the something-1.6.jar
  11. hit man is not a multiplayer event xD
  12. you try to cure a patient without knowing the illness you have to tell where did you find the pack or the packs name... else no more help can be given
  13. διέγραψέ το πρίν να είναι αργά.
  14. κανε restart το PC και θα φυγει το προβλημα δεν εχει κλεισει ο login σου σωστα και κραταει το port
  15. ανοιξετα και σαν UDP οχι μονο TCP και το 9014 δε χρειαζεται και ανοιξε CMD γραψε ipconfig Και σιγουρεψου οτι τα ανοιξες στην σωστη IP
  16. αν αλαξεις το l2.ini και συνεχισει να μπαινει σε αλλο σερβερ τοτε η IP εχει γινει bind μεσα στο client (αλλαξε system) η καποιο patch σου αλλαξε τα host στο PC σου
  17. διεγραψέ το πρίν να είναι αργά
  18. run is replaced with lamda in most of acis (that you're using) and what i already told you is far better without rubbish
  19. not only there there are still 2 places to go 1 in scriptcompiler inside the pack somewhere it says 1.6 2 in build xml
  20. you use old pack i would recommend to find one on the shared section and use it, 1.6 was around 2012 (the last updates) so your packs date is about 6 years old outdated fully bugged with features missing, even if you try to fix the jvm errors that will appear you have to upgrade everything.
  21. better rewrite the code or ask an elder (who propably coded that) few of them still in this forum
  22. try java 1.8 i think thats a lambda (exists on 1.8 until now and 1.9) .sorted((object1, object2) -> .filter(Y::isItem).filter(obj -> that part looks like PHP + lambda from java, years now never seen anything like that..
  23. what version of java you have?
  24. search for an engine there are far better codes than this with more events and working with the timer you want, you lose time to fix that unless you try to learn
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