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Nightw0lf last won the day on February 20

Nightw0lf had the most liked content!

About Nightw0lf

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    HopZone Eu

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  1. some peoples trash is another mans treasure, is that your treasure? people might like the content but you are still the rat in the room thats the community judging you.
  2. uprising star thank you for including my topsite
  3. why you call me a psychopath? print some of those put them in front of you maybe they will help this has been upgraded in cinema
  4. https://hopzone.eu/store/product/26-donate-panel-v5/ just in case he try to sell you MY donate panel and lie to you i am leaving this here, since i am the developer of this donation panels. the cost is 23.90€
  5. $100 for 4 hooks is too much even for Brasil...
  6. @NevesOma +1 but you have to offer cookies and candies
  7. very trusted and very skilled developer, good luck with your project and sales!
  8. proofs of the scam? why he is not banned? why you got banned actually if you got scammed? why "they".. hunt you? tell "them".. the truth, you are the only real developer in this world Stormborn of House Cheaters, First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Sir of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Sir of Dragonstone, King of Meereen, Guytis of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains and the Father of Codes.
  9. $???? is this $1000 no source? $20.000 source consider finding a job so you cannot see what you did here? if you skip logic it is looking like an obvious scam work on it a bit more to make it realistic the scam wont look real $20.000 for no info legit
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