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Everything posted by Schism

  1. I'll give it a shoot, i lol'ed at decrease duelist dmg cuz he's too strong on high rate server, while daggers hit always criticals and mages hit you 1.5/2k w/o fail any single shot, same goes for unattainable archers with perma counter dash, but maybe you've already solved all these issues.
  2. whats the point on that ? make 1 shot pvp server ?
  3. so, with or w/o custom craps ?
  4. no random, we are not gm friends, that gm is a moron who have no clue about how to disable certification.
  5. Apparently there no certif skill, but i got them legally on my duelist, and now they told me "plz your char is bug, we decide no certif at forum poll" full certif as duelist with gShield and no berzeker i have 3.1k pdef and I got 2.1k crit from a silver ranger lol.. archer dmg is stupid but most pathetic thing are those guys wich are around the pvp zones with a slh as pet to seal buff.
  6. Server seems really good, but the way to get forgotten scrolls is just retard.
  7. buffer need improved buff and fix duration on some other buff to get a elegia weapon you need 120k pc bang points and 5128 gb ( mobs drop 3 gb LOL ) plus, enchant max seems to be 30 LOL moar.
  8. +20 items is just silly, dont expect balance at all.
  9. I dont mind if im not a "true l2 player" is just a game to spend some time, i play this shit form c4 alway as duelist or domi, f1 f2 player are archers/mage and crappy daggers. If you like to spend your time on game killing mobs good for you, personaly hate kill mobs, that why i like high rate server with low enchants and stuffs like that, and again, i dont care if im not a "true l2 player" , i lol'd hard on that. -- Same goes for you, no i never played on low/mid pvp server, cuz you need to spend a lot of time on levl/farm things wich i really hate.
  10. damn i was so close to join, untill saw that shit max enchant 30, you cant have anything balanced with +30 items. anyway gl. ps/ even if blessed are easy to get and succes rate is high +30 stuff is jus silly.
  11. make your own topic dude, and dont spam your low rate server here, i dont know why ppl like kill mobs for months instead of pvping
  12. full gm shop but till A grade, a good npc buffer is important we hate to make boxes to get some buffs, like dwarf buff, zerk dance etc. make us farm A BIT to get S grade, elements and lifestones, you can add something like for each pvp you gain fame points or something like that. For me low enchant rate must be a priority, high enchant like some guys said +16/20 just will ruin all gameplay and skill formulas like in all l2 server with stupid enchant rates over +10
  13. completly agree. S gears rocks, safe 3 max 6 and freya with 3 diferent kind of attribute on weapons/armor it gonna be interesting.
  14. mm first off, low enchant items, something like safe 3/4 max 6/8, no blessed enchants. if certification works, remove celestial chance, that shit is just silly. restriction on armor mastery, and some penalty on weapons too, sk's with SoS and bow hit like hell. mp pots with delay or healer/domi gonna be pretty hard too kill. no custom items. and something to promove team play and pvps. if you goes for gracia final/epilogue atrribute system should be removed. if you goes for freya attribute is fair enough. last thing but no less important, enchant skills set them all on 15. those are just my ideas gl with your project.
  15. I grown long enough to know that, kill new player is just silly.
  16. server is fine, but yeah comuny sux, why the hell you need kill newcomers, i was raped over and over for a clan called ReQest, isn't funny at all get peked when you cant even buy all your S grade stuff.
  17. whats the point of get more enchant on weapon than armors ? even if really well balanced you need farm to get a lot of items +20, farm and high enchanted items is a just silly on pvp servers.
  18. tanks can't take skills certification from others tanks, or their can take it now ?
  19. im full +12 and this guy hit me over 2.5k, im dominator btw.
  20. magically Justinbieber just disappear but now there are a guy called Spencer o something like that, making insane damage
  21. no offense but what is the point of having more enchant on weapons than your armor?
  22. do not expect balanced classes with +30 items u.u
  23. lol ? chant of blood awakening is haste and Vr
  24. What's the point of having improve shield defense if you are not wearing a shield :P Holy Weapon is just if you have Holy element in your bow if not is useless, instead of holy weapon, get eye of pa'agrio or pa'agrio fist i think it would be better, and songs and dances are fine but I prefer dance of inspiration (accuracy) instead of song of champion ;) is just my point of view
  25. Amen for this, I'm just advising what kind of server is, and like I told you before, gl
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