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Everything posted by Schism

  1. it is, but it was better on c6/hellbound, now is epilogue
  2. l2gve.net on l2 rebirth-reborn (closed)
  3. if im asking is cuz maybe i didn't find, moron. use google but my English is not good. thx alot FiGhTeRBosS ^^
  4. hi all.. any one have any link to see info about enchant skills on epilogue.. im interested in "provoke" is a wl skill. thx in adv.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1FxLlrAcYg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbWgehny1jE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMuiJVY6Oyk and moarr :D
  6. Leopold and balance life best animation ever
  7. Schism

    [L2J] Frozy

    30 buff is to much, you can over buff your toon wiht reist buff and fck mage class, whit those combo buff even more.
  8. you have any info about this server ?
  9. dyes set up is about server type, on low rate with out buff ill add dex on my duelist, but if im on hihg rate full buffed all the time ill go with -9dex, always. and lol cardinal is healer they cant touch his int.
  10. chance: Ritual of life and battle roar on my duelist rocks
  11. IC + DLE*Tallum (c4 ftw)
  12. was about to join, but i read this on your server forum. farm server.
  13. come'n dude all +8 or +10 ..
  14. duelist on il or epilogue
  15. daggers can't add MEN. crit dmg is about str but land rate on blows is about dex, so damn daggers a fvcked, but in 99% of those loljava servers are allways modified and all can pwn every class with daggers.
  16. dude, pvp server means pvp, no1 will be happy rebuff after every pvp. but yeah, some ppl really enjoy those server with +300 stuff. again, gl
  17. for Onslaught of Pa'agrio you should add fire stone, for low rate server. on a high rate pvp server no idea.
  18. pvp server, 20 min buff time .. ::) if you have problems balancing class, why the hell you want to make a server with items +400 ? if you cant handle 5k matk with mage crit, you are able to calculate static dmg with 200k matk ? anyway gl
  19. 6 sub class, so i can get 6 skills from certification ?
  20. cuz is more than enough ::)
  21. is a good server, to much lag atm .. on april gonna change the host
  22. Lineage 2 Epilogue RoS - Rise Of Shadows web ->http://l2-ros.com/r-info.php Server rates: - Kain Server - Exp: 5000x - Adena: 500x - Enchant Max: +8 - Enchant Safe: +3 - NPC Buffer. - NPC Augmenter. - Global Gatekeeper. - Olympiad Hero Every 15 days. - GmShop untill S grade. - Change Class Without Quest. - Autolearn Skills. - TvT Event. - Last Standing Man Event. - DeathMatch Event. - PvP Zone. - Levelling Zone. - PvP Reward System. - Server no lagg, up 24/24 is a italian server, with 20/35 ppl on. I'm not gm or something related to the server, im just a player.
  23. is a good serve but boring, maybe is not what i want, to much farm, and to much brs pk/ksing you all the fucking time.
  24. agree with this, max 16 or less
  25. Good server but with low population, thats not the main problem.. ALL people know that the population is low,and dont let you farm and kill new player over and over there are a safe place for farm, but you can't use all your skill, a crap Edit: farm place are a joke, to small with lol 30 mobs; add a forum for the server
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