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Everything posted by gkara

  1. Il Monstro
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=related&v=cSCf1VEtnQQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=related&v=O_zk24POlaU http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=related&v=Ml8X_Hcg9f0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOhBknW8q_8&feature=related
  3. look in silkyvenom.com forums for others who have started making campaign
  4. Buzz!
  5. also look here : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=29895.0
  6. L2 is a more pvp game, wow is more quests and raids game
  7. Rock
  8. Football Manager
  9. anyone can confirm if it's free ?
  10. gkara

    ANIME !!

  11. I vote torrents too
  12. unreal tournament
  13. I use Server 2003 and they are very good
  14. gkara@hotmail.com
  15. http://boards.lineage2.com/showflat.php?Number=106
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd-sWZo2s4Q
  17. Well it can increase internet access speed when you are in a LAN, as you get more bandwidth than others
  18. gkara

    Game list

    gj and thnx for the list. it would be nice if you could sort them alphabetically
  19. He means the ingame recording that lineage 2 client has. Well the ingame recorder cant show everything as fraps do.
  20. thnx for the link
  21. I want to have these stats
  22. i have been playing 12 years :)
  23. grimorio , I just did it. its funny , it isnt dangerous :)
  24. Il Monstro
  25. gkara

    Jokes (EN)

    The first time I went to a drug store to buy condoms, I was waited on by a beautiful young woman. She asked what size I wanted and I said I wasn't sure. So she asked now big I was and I said, "Compared to what?" She held up one finger and asked if I was that big. I said, "I'm bigger than that." Then she held up two fingers and asked if I was that big. I said, "I'm bigger than that." Then she held up three fingers and asked if I was that big. I said, "I'm about that big." She put the three fingers in her mouth and said, "You're a medium."
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