Hello to all of maxcheaters Community :D.
L2GoldenFlame is a new Gracia part 2 server.
Exp - 45x sp - 45x Drop - 1x spoil - 45x
Enchant rate 50% safe enchant 6 max Enchant 25
There are 4 custome zones for farming AA - Elven Fortress, Ruins Of Despair, Nornil's Cave and Chronomatic Islands.
Mobs There also drop Weapons With SA
There is a GMShop,NPC buffer without 3rd class buff and 1st lvl pp buffs.
There are Aios with all buffers classes
quests for Occupations and Subclass not needed
Hellfire Oil and Lunargrents In gm shop and a lot more. :P
There are nice GMs Too and there is always a gm on.
Custom Armors Heavy Light and robe (they look like apella)
Balanced pvp
Give us a chance and join us :P
http://l2gf.com/ - Main site
http://www.l2gf.com/forums/ - Forum
http://l2gf.com/page/downloads - Downloads page
Don't forget to call your friends ^^