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Everything posted by BulgarianMas7eR

  1. I think this would be a pretty good combination for pve/pvp Try it out ;)
  2. I use this its very nice xD btw If you have more stuff with L2 for teh Pc plx share I would love to download them ;)
  3. Gotta try this...... I hope it works It would help me on a lot of servers that have gbs .. if its not fixed... ;)
  4. LoL Nice :D I have to try this soon xD ty for the share ;)
  5. Nice have to try this ;)
  6. lol when you go near the Preacher it will give you the curse again...when you go to the place you wanna go lvl, just restart and there wont be a curse ... This worked on the last l2j server I played ...
  7. lol This I have to try if it works it will be great and Ill be very thankfull to you :D Tnx for teh share ;)
  8. nop doesn't work... :/ I don't know how you did it but if you find out plx post it I really wanna have the hero glow :D
  9. Tried it... It worked for me. Tnx ;)
  10. Nice Vids Haven't seen all of them but those which I saw were good ;)
  11. tnx a lot hackz0r for the HL Tag Converter ;)
  12. Nice xD
  13. Nice its good for a lot of server owners ;)
  14. this guy is teh best I haven't seen anyone better than him :D :D :D :D
  15. hmm If I'll play on a low rate server Ill try this one xD ty for the info
  16. lol this is a very nice bug :D:D I must try it
  17. Well I'll join ya gonna download teh patch and we can pwn ;) btw I like your Idea about this clan thing and the pwnage over everyone xD
  18. lol I played this server before a dude with c grade hit me 6kk dmg and I hit him 6-7 dmg and he was a sps .... I was a tyrant xD
  19. ok done xD sry bout spamming xD
  20. yeah sry bout that Ill fix it xD
  21. ahm I think its 50% or 65% although weapons enchant easy xD
  22. Hello to all of maxcheaters Community :D. L2GoldenFlame is a new Gracia part 2 server. Exp - 45x sp - 45x Drop - 1x spoil - 45x Enchant rate 50% safe enchant 6 max Enchant 25 There are 4 custome zones for farming AA - Elven Fortress, Ruins Of Despair, Nornil's Cave and Chronomatic Islands. Mobs There also drop Weapons With SA There is a GMShop,NPC buffer without 3rd class buff and 1st lvl pp buffs. There are Aios with all buffers classes quests for Occupations and Subclass not needed Hellfire Oil and Lunargrents In gm shop and a lot more. :P There are nice GMs Too and there is always a gm on. Custom Armors Heavy Light and robe (they look like apella) Balanced pvp Give us a chance and join us :P http://l2gf.com/ - Main site http://www.l2gf.com/forums/ - Forum http://l2gf.com/page/downloads - Downloads page Don't forget to call your friends ^^
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