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Everything posted by BulgarianMas7eR

  1. I think u should use tallum, It's better than Nightmare I think xD
  2. Well yeah the town maps are useless but I wanted to put more in the rar xD Someone might need em for smthing I don't know :D but I'm glad u like them ^^
  3. well I always listen to music no mater if I pvp or I go to sieges xD But on sieges and on pvp I listen to Linkin park Rise against hoobastank SOAD (sometimes xD ) and others :P
  4. well mine were Lineage2 Golden flame Lineage 2 Bloodlust, L2Khaos, l2 default l2Underworld l2 gve(The real one not those stupid mafia and other noobish servers xD) and others ^^
  5. Lawl Nice dude.. I had this on my mind But I was too late to do it xD anyways great guide ^^ keep it up :P
  6. Hello mxc ^^ I Bet some of u guys always get lost in cata's or necropolises etc... well that is About to change. I found some Maps that could help u in not getting lost in those places ^^ Download the maps from here ----------------> http://rapidshare.com/files/210992143/cata_necros_towns_and_others.rar.html I hope u like them ^^
  7. lawl I get "A hacking tool has been discovered bla bla bla bla bla ..........." can someone help me out ? ???
  8. INC will be deleted for sure don't when don't know why but I just know it will be :D
  9. I really like those wings and the helmets but the hoods ............ for me they aren't very good I don't like em but for the helms and the wings Good job !
  10. I like High rates but not with custom Items cuz ppl with them they hit u 1kkkkk dmg and I hate that xD
  11. Hi Mxc ^^ I'm looking for a High rate server like 1k-5k xp No matter what Chronicle will it be I just need no custom Items and not much max enchant and like 100-200 ppl playing it ........ I'm bored with those servers... So I hope u guys can help me ^^. Tnx in Advance !
  12. If u play a pvp sever use a DD Mortal strike ... ^^
  13. Nice one dude tnx for the share vm :P
  14. LOL Very cool pics.. Awesome I really like em ^^
  15. I know this bug It can be done with pressing the up arrow and reloging xD atleast I've done it this way...
  16. nice share gj ^^
  17. as fakoyaks said take a rsk.haste dagger and full buff probably it will speed it use angelic Icon aswell it inceases atk spd try it if you want....
  18. Very nice Gj dude ^^
  19. ty for the soft Ill try it later :P
  20. LoL this is a very nice guide. Gj A-Style ^^
  21. Pagans ftw ! with EE or bish ^^
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