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Everything posted by Raule

  1. I'm using Opera and i can register. Edit:atfer completing, i can't too T.T
  2. I tried there because is a a protected server. As i told should work in all servers.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. Yes, is very nice! nothing do add.
  5. Text: Litigiu SubText:Mxc User Theme: something with hh(hip hop)
  6. I recommend you a RAR password recovery.
  7. I just used it and my ping is lower now, thanks for this share.
  8. Share your girlfriend picture :))), jk. I go improve my skills, thanks.
  9. Look one emo alien :D :D :D :D :D
  10. i'm really bored and i decied to make one more simple tutorial. Follow these steps: Go to Filter>Disort>Twirl Here is the final result P.S i know is very simple but some ppl don't know and maybe will use it someday. This guide is made by me.
  11. I appreciate your work man, but these guides can be found with a simple search in google. Or you know,use them and make a detalied guide ;) I hope you take this friendly.
  12. Raule


    Nice ^_^ spamz0r :p
  13. Today i will show you how to make a nice and simple text effect, just follow these screens: Go to Filter>Disort> Wave Here is the final result Tutorial made by me.
  14. fage, ssj3akis
  15. Raule

    [OMG]See Fast

  16. Well, i didn't know. I tried the spam chat and it works, if you need a screen i'm gonna make. Okay, then lock the topic.
  17. upload your image in a host(imageshack.us), next add http://here the diret link["/img"] (without the quotes.
  18. New method Downlaod the latest phx Watch this video by djpliku 1st Method Normally if you try to log with phx you will get this error General protection fault! History: NConsoleWnd::RequestAuthLogin <- NCAuthWnd::OnLoginBtnClick <- NControl::SendEventMessage <- NCButton::OnClickButton <- NCButton::OnLButtonUp <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::DispatchWndMsgX <- NConsoleWnd::MasterConsoleEventProcess <- UEngine::InputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::CauseInputEvent <- UWindowsViewport::UpdateInput <- UViewport::ReadInput <- APlayerController::Tick <- ALineagePlayerController::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop How to bypass it: Step 1: open your client. Step 2: open the phx. Stpe 3: hit this button Step 4: enter your acc, and select the server till the char selection. Step 5: click again this Now you're in and you can see the packets. 2nd Method You cannot enter in l2 with phx?that's mean your system has a What you must do:Download a clean system and edit your Now i'll show you how to do that You must have L2Fileedit and a clean system(i will post the links above) Ok, first step open the fileedit, click Open and decrypt and target your l2.ini from your "protected system", you will have something like this After copy the ip and open the l2.ini from the clean system and hit Save and decrypt, be careful you must save it with 413 version The last step is, delete the old system(with nophx.dll) and copy the clean system in l2 folder. Patched systems/File Editors/ etc(c4 to Godess of Destruction) Gameguard killers/tools for l2 here Third way here P.S i know it's easy, but many new users come in "our world" and don't know about these simple modifications. [glow=#330099,2,300][shadow=red,left]----<L2Phx Support>----[/shadow][/glow] All L2Phx versions [L2Phx]Enchant Gracia [L2Phx] Ghost Hack [L2Phx]Enchant Interlude [L2Phx]Free Teleport [L2Phx]Learn Skills [L2Phx]Script for Teleporting [L2Phx]Br1nk Mod v.1.0 [L2Phx]Multiply Gold Bars [L2Phx]Make Announcements even you're not gm [L2Phx]Enchant Exploit Gracia 2
  19. I think is more simple: Edit>Transform> Flip Vertical. Anyway thanks for share.
  20. Look here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=58068.0
  21. deadpro, dubi0uc13
  22. You are really skilled, the number 4 ownz.
  23. smokemachine h4fkaslopas, sawaci20, Alex007, giannakislol, jimacos333, danila, dreamteam1, anh, closer, gary123(watch the 8-9 page also) Ychiru,G4L4XY,arkano22
  24. Theme:something with hh-rap(please no 50 cent or eminem) Text Style:aka Litigiu(with a normal font if you can)
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