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Everything posted by Raule

  1. I think it's ok, you're not the right ppl to judge that.
  2. shaggy1, Clubber, Richman, Raaf/url]
  3. I think wont work on dot or archid
  4. [Request] Private Servers LockThis
  5. For me also :D Text: HiThere Theme: l2
  6. It's great!
  7. Mike he just created the topic, must w8 a little Text: Hithere Theme: Weed( you know, the good weed ^^)
  8. Raule


    Here you have a nice playlist
  9. It's a old one, after rr the skills disappear. Anyway, thanks for share ;D
  10. From video looks awesome! I can't wait to play it ^_^
  11. Nice one!I think the render need some smudge.
  12. Look here one wich you can see it also http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=62416.0
  13. Should be in [Request] Exploits En Should be in [Photoshop] Tutorials & Addons Should be in [Request] Dev Help [L2J] Should be in [Request] Dev Help [L2J] Already posted(by the same user)
  14. Well, a simple search will help you a lot ;)
  15. Lol, you're just amazing, i w8 for the relase ;D
  16. I downloaded the new patch, still cannot log in, it seems to be down but i see in your site it shows online, who has the same problem?
  17. 2976
  18. Headshot! Philipe(double post), Dnafo, Paran0x, Ipode, Kama3a, Megadevil, Roberto576, Bunelu, wingman86, randyxxxxxx, mewemoxx, Clubber, cokexxz, Tatiana(all cannot see the topic)
  19. Problem solved, should be locked
  20. Gerero i will try to help you with those.Just send me a pm with the links wich you want to edit.
  21. I opened it, but nothing happend it seems to be clean. Well, here you have L2 FileEdit [C3-C4] (L2Asm-Disasm & L2Encdec Included) http://rapidshare.com/files/134224509/l2file_edit_c3_c4_l2asm-disasm-l2encdec_included_Collection_by_ExTaCy1337.rar.
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