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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Pai sunt si multi argentinieni, atunci ar vrea si aia..mai bine sa scoata greaca ca pe mine ma inerveaza cateodata intr-un topic in engleza incep si vorbesc aia ce muzica ascultati ?
  2. Yeah, i know, i have good friends from Greece. Da, stiu, am prieteni buni din Grecia. If you need a teacher, i can :D Daca ai nevoie de un profesor, eu pot.
  3. Does anyone know name of this song? Here is a sample: http://rapidshare.com/files/245212154/OK_-_Let_s_dance.rar.html
  4. 3erw kapies le3eis staelinika.. "sa mori tu" is a slang used by us when you ain't sure he tell the truth. Do you tell the truth?= spui adevarul?, with slang= sa mori tu? He didn't flame ;D
  5. Salut, nu sunt roman* For weed dude/ pentru iarba omule
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63926.0
  7. Well in some servers the enchant is more than 30, so how long take to enchant one armor ?
  8. A video would help, this is for gracia, right?
  9. Raule


    Goal 3 Land of the Lost.
  10. Blade 2. Nighmare Hero. Journal. Dali.
  11. I think not, there's a protection.
  12. Lol ce face ala Uitate la asta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If7icJtyogU
  13. Ar fi frumos daca ar baga si romana, dar dupaia or sa mai faca si altii din alte tari.Ar fi mai marfa daca ar scoate sectiunea greaca sa vorbim toti engleza. Hh ascult :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OE5dPe1290
  14. You wiped the server or what? my char got deleted :'(
  15. I used google :P
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=48835.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=40066.0 :S
  17. A simple one, thanks for share :P
  18. Reqest Client Mods Help Guides Tutorials Req Dev Help Edit: Move this in Spam topic
  19. You can try it here www.l2dubai.com
  20. Here my poor try :P
  21. I just tryed and it works ;D P.s it's a trick.
  22. Thanks for the good words, updated with some guides :P
  23. Is awesome ;D i like so much the DmC Gr font.
  24. Nice one, but what if i voted already and i want to visit the site again ?
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