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Everything posted by Raule

  1. The third is more succeeded, but the first has the awesome render. you should use also some effects in text.
  2. I think you try to log with phx, right? Follow this guide http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61494.0
  3. I like more the avatar than the signature.
  4. Request General help
  5. Paraziti use jokes in their songs thats why.. Here is the real rap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vgazI7nSE4 What?!When you will know romanian then talk. You can do more, add a good render(Cedry2k for example) :P
  6. LOl this guy is really crazy, i like more the pac man.
  7. Very good guide+fully explained, thanks for sharing with us.
  8. Request Dev Help Guides, Tutorials
  9. I growed with this cartoon :P Thanks for share, i will watch them!
  10. Pwned. If you are dead you cant have mxc..so is a good reason to stay alive.(jK) Watch a good comedy movie and you'll pass over.
  11. I needed only framework and multiwin, thanks. Btw scan them first and after post.
  12. Yeah the last one is good. 7/10 for all.Keep practicing in animtion :P
  13. I'm not their fan, but let's see, thanks for sharin'.
  14. Yeah, admins said the rate is 90%, but with ~15 tryes you can enchant it :-\.So i think is less than 65%. I think they wrote only to attract ppls :-X.
  15. Atm, i'm playing high rates, and the most enchant wich i brake was +20(max.+30, safe+6, rate 90%) What about you?
  16. You have good avatar.I saw you saying "nice" in all your posts. landariel, sorry to tell you but the codes aint working.Anyway here many codes: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30871.0
  17. Other.. Rap.
  18. illusion
  19. YEah, replying to spammers make you also a spammer!so you should stop do like that. Working fine for me in l2j interlude.
  20. This is very useful with cp ;D at siege.I'm going to test it in l2j interlude and give feedback.
  21. This one rocks: Keep working at backgrounds ^^
  22. Should be in Photoshop Tutorials
  23. I knew only planetrenders, thanks for share. Btw should be in Ps section.
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