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Everything posted by Deurian

  1. 1) Mid Rate.. 2)No customs 3) No Npc Buffers 4)PvP Zones 5)No donations 6)Unique ExP Areas 7)Heroes every 2 weeks 8)Shop Zones
  2. me voithise poly, to na ftiaxnw gm shop to ematha, o buffer k i gk me diskoleuoun omws :p
  3. U pmed me, i answered, but still no answer :X u want or no? :D
  4. x7 no donations interlude everything working. Community about 1500 ppl online. No buffer custom npcs or shits. Everything retail like
  5. protinw na ginei lock to topic i na katharistei estw, gt einai full apo flaming :D Tespa //ontopic Wraio karma, Alla eksartate an to pires apo newbies i apo players :D
  6. entelws lathos taktiki :D merika pragmata p eipes einai swsta, aplws ta sindiases me lathos classes :D
  7. for pvp pve better use dark crystal. Fur summoner classes, EM etc. use major arcana :D
  8. o destro gia pvp simferei na valeis prwta guts, k meta otan katevainei to hp frenzy! iparxei epishs bug p s epitrepei na hit tn eauto s k na katevaseis to hp sou! egw auti tn taktiki akolouthaw k gia oly k gia mass pvp
  9. Really nice server!i tested it out and its great! i hope server gets really populated :Χ Ι recon u to join
  10. kai anarotiomoun pws ena ally stn l2mafia 04 eixe 500 atoma (2 clans :D) euxaristw p to ekanes share
  11. 4shared for free members, RS for premium
  12. Dimis gave control of 03 to Bullet who's his cousin. OWNER IS STILL DIMIS! Rangel is the girlfriend of bullet, so bullet gave her admin status.
  13. 04: if i knew i would report it 02: There are mobs IN A restricted area WHERE ONLY DONATORS HAVE ACCESS ffs Now lets stop with the flaming ffs. //ontopic. Could u make leo & tiga drop more gds?
  14. 04: Im talking about mage dude. 02: There are in restricted area lawl... 03: Dimis host it, DIMIS DEVELOP it. Edit: 59: i didnt speak about the donations. Look what i said.
  15. depends on how good u know ur class. I personly voted sorc.
  16. Seriously, Im a legend of l2mafia stucksubs, it appears most of ppl will know my name if i share it out. At 04?u talk about pk drop? what about the bug that exists, u pk a flagged person and u drop items, ROFLMAO, i lost valakas +25 and 3 parts of legancy +25 like this :D Ken abigail? Server only exists for necro and pala, Whatever dimis says. Ken orwen? Donators got their own PRIVATE farming area, DONT LIE IT EXISTS! 03-02 Donators got their own farming area with santa mobs, NICE I wont share out my nick bcz dimis may get angry with what i say BUT: If u want recall by GM, Shout in HV:"GM I NEED DONATE PLS" and u will get recalled in less than 1minute.A Thats all, //ontopic. Server is good but gets boring after some time. P.S Stop with the flaming
  17. duh, Ok since its the first post, i will say some good things(not that if it wasnt i would post smth bad) Its good to see that ppl fight for good packs like l2jdot or archid. This packs worth trying for. Thx for trying to revive it
  18. I use Eclipse with Installed Addons Ant & Maven Dunno about other styles, i learnt to do so, And i always do so :D
  19. HR With buffs: SPS, PAL , Destro or Destro SPS Arcana lord sps for cancel Arcanalord for bane Pal for aggro + low dmg destro for frenzy Low rates: WC, Sws, BD Buffer classes, WC can pwnz0r
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