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Everything posted by pa40

  1. So. Again its me xD Todays question is.... Q: What do you think about C4??? A1: Its great!!! A2: LineMage >,< A3: I havent played it :/ P.S.: Look what one friend says (look down) the chat with my friend started from how stupid is interlude and then he started to talk about C4 and after he gave me that picture (that you can see down) and i laughed a long time and posted this. so if i dont have work i could translate the whole chat with him xD
  2. Fire set is .... wow. very cool. but the other is some kind w/o effects :/
  3. and what is with the black vesper??? just downloaded, renamed and uploaded?
  4. i joined the server and i can tell that the server is a big fail. sory forthat but it is the true. Very stupid NPC buffer that is in every l2j pack. GM shop that is in every server, DUALBOX, unbalanced classes, all towns are piece zones, no faction gk, no factions (like taking towns/areas under good/evil control). i have nothing to say more.
  5. create one on a other server. not in that that you saw this in...
  6. duelist skills?!?!? http://www.lineage2.com/Knowledge/race_darkelf_skill.html?my_class=dark_elf_spectral_dancer http://www.lineage2.com/Knowledge/race_darkelf_skill.html?my_class=dark_elf_blade_dancer i dont see any duelist skills. thats what i am talking about. ppl play 1-2 bugged servers and think that its is so on all server >,< dont listen to him BD-s dont have duelist skills. they have only a sting... P.S.: not on every server you can get lilim knight transformation. and on the pvp server they are not in gmshop >,<
  7. no it isnt. i can kill you with 10 other classes (not SpH)
  8. in gracia part 2.... i think dagger classes cuz they have a big lethat chance. Soulhound are good. Destro, SpS, SpH, Tyrant. its from how you play with the character. i dont know, play with that character that you can play with BTW where are you playing?
  9. Those are one of the best flash games i ever played. Tell me what do you think about them.... Here are some very strange games. Try to do them w/o youtube xD!!!!! This Is The Only Level http://armorgames.com/play/4309/this-is-the-only-level Super Karoshi http://armorgames.com/play/3784/super-karoshi Karoshi Suicide Salayman http://armorgames.com/play/2407/karoshi-suicide-salaryman RotatSpin http://armorgames.com/play/3577/rotatspin Use Boxmen http://armorgames.com/play/4008/use-boxmen and some games for P®os xD Cargo Bridge http://armorgames.com/play/3999/cargo-bridge Super Stacker 2 http://armorgames.com/play/3141/super-stacker-2 Redstar Fall PRO http://armorgames.com/play/3824/redstar-fall-pro Rabbit Wants Cake http://armorgames.com/play/4079/rabbit-wants-cake The World Hardest Game http://armorgames.com/play/1043/the-worlds-hardest-game The World Hardest Game 2 http://armorgames.com/play/1982/the-worlds-hardest-game-2 Credits: Arorgames
  10. when i wass very young i liked to watch digimon on a german TV station, and with the time i learned to speak some german from there xD but now i am so stupid that i dont know anything. and i liked to watch Yu-Gi-Oh there and Digimon. ;) so ppl watch cartoons you can learn a lot xD (i was 5-7 years old i dont remember when)
  11. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!!?! this is on bulgarian: You reached 117 points, so you achieved position 1389 of 2016 on the ranking list You type 218 characters per minute You have 26 correct words and you have 4 wrong words this is on english: 150 points, so you achieved position 239729 of 478467 on the ranking list You type 237 characters per minute You have 42 correct words and you have 3 wrong words
  12. ok tell me 3 bugged skills. i play so long with kamaels why i dont know that kind of skills (just to say from server to server there is a big difference. i mean in one server you can make on normal hits 6553556678975433567dmg with kamael in other you can make 1dmg with Vesper on +655356984122354. ===> i have not played a server that kamaels are bugged)
  13. why shuld something be bugged when you can play with it? i just like kamaels thats it. and kamael are the best PvP chars for me. thats why i made a kamael. and tell me a bugged skill on kamael??? and agh, come on! this is stupid. everyone goes to work/school and etc and still play l2.
  14. i was playing in the first min of BFDR, and yes there was a terrible lag. but now it is perfect to play, here is a sceen: and that is by 4k ppl. gues what was when there were 8k ppl....
  15. 6k? on bfdr for a week there were over 8k ppl online. (12x Hellbound)
  16. ExTrEmEDwarf i dont know where are you getting that screans but... why the hell are you playing russian offi server? xD and is it free? how can i join? and some ppl think that more ppl play interlude then gracia >,< and that l2 is dying. from those pictures i dont see that xD pls answer my questions :}
  17. the share is good. but i saw something other. why the hell are you playing at 800x600 ?!?!? and at minimal graphic?
  18. the title says all :) P.S.: dont write for: Crusaders, Rloaded, Renewal, BFDR, Dex ...
  19. you suck! xD hellbound FTW! I like hellbound servers more then iterlude ones... >,< (i am playing not from hellbound. dont say that i am new in this game) BTW some friends call me on L2 Dex Newtork on 9x but i can not connect it writes "Access Failed. PLS Try again"
  20. [bG]xubavo pak 4e ne si gi kopnal ot nqade xD. taman se 4udex s kvo da naspamq xD pi6i v skype ako iska6 da ti dam skill ID-tata[/bG] gj dude. very useful cuz now i will know what i am waiting for to be immortal :D
  21. skanners
  22. i think that when you are with top A/S and with full buff to atack other players with low A/B/C w/o buffs and killing them isnt to be "pro". for me to be Pro is when someone atacks you like this (in behind) to kill him not to die from him. thats how i think :/ and on all videos on DvP he is with nearly full buff, and on F1 is the atack, on F2 Healing potions, F3 Quickhealing potions, F4 Greater CP potions and after all other skills. how do you think you will kill him?
  23. sry but +1 :/ i think that everyone can make weapons in some colour. :/
  24. if you want dont write a post here :D just answer the stupid question xD BTW i know that this is stupid but i just wondered.... P.S.: try to be serious! xD
  25. AmOraL xD (rofl) P.S.: there is no chance to guess cuz when the ppl who you wrote see this he wont write after you, he will wait 1,2 years and then he will write xD
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