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Everything posted by pa40

  1. i searched long lime where to enchant skills on kamaels. you posted a little late this for me :D but it will help all the others who dont know :)
  2. and i wont explain again and again why ppl dont like gracia. cuz the classes that are very very very OP on interlude are like all others in gracia. and all have a history, not only c1,c2,c3,c4... and there are many good ppl on offi that can be called "pro".
  3. OMG stop spamming old topics. clost this pls
  4. dude past is past. now Gracia PWNZ. i play since old times and now after i played a long time hellbound and gracia when i log in on C4, Interlude i have the feeling that i am playing on something very old and i log out some sec. cuz since C4 there were not so many new things. Learn to play now. Past cant be now. P.S.: i think that this topic must be closed. i dont see the point of it ???
  5. i made this quest on one server but i made it with the fishes. for the fishes you need to buy a orange potion to hunt for orange fishes ;) but cool. many ppl dont know abut this Q
  6. WTF yes! xD depends on what kind of site will you make. BTW +1 for blane ;) i think that he will make something awsome that none l2 server have seen xD
  7. i didnt searched in forum if someone made a guide sry. i didnt know
  8. on Insomnia l2 (one bulgarian PvP server) 2 days before i got hero i was in jail for 1week but i pleased the gm and he releaced me xD
  9. Software needed to download and install: Java JDK 6 or higer, necessary for running the server Link: Java SE Downloads - Sun Developer Network (SDN) MySQL 5.x, necessary for Database Link: MySQL :: MySQL 5.4 Navicat 8.2.7 (or higer) for MySQL (optional), gui for administrating the database Link: Navicat - Download Center - Download the World's Best Oracle Manager, MySQL Front End & PostgreSQL GUI for Windows, Linux & Mac OS X - Download Now! Support Access to MySQL, Excel to MySQL, MySQL editor, MySQL administrator, MySQL frontend, MySQL man Tortoise SVN 1.6.x or higer, necessary for updating the source code Link: TortoiseSVN downloads | TortoiseSVN Apache Ant 1.7.0 or higer, necessary for compiling the source code Link: Download ANT Installing… Java: Just execute the*.exe file MySQL: Install and Configure: 1. Execute the file and select typical, click next and select the folder where you want to install it, when the installation is finished tick the Configure MySQL Server now box and click finish. Now a configuration wizard will appear, select Standard Configuration and click next, the settings in the next windows are just ok, next, now create a username and password (default username: root, default password: root), next, then execute and finish. Tortoise SVN: Install: Easy to install so I won’t explain how :P. Don't forget to reboot your computer. Source Code: Downloading source code: Create empty directory, right click, SVN checkout. Enter SVN url: http://aion-emu.com/index.php/topic,2.0.html Compiling the source code: Go to any project in the trunk directory. There is a list of available projects(each folder is separate project) for compilation. Open console in the folder of project. Type ant, wait for compilation. Preparing the server files: Make another folder and name it aion-emu files. Go to: aion-emu\trunk\AE_LoginServer\build and extract ae_login.zip to aion-emu files folder. Do the same with ae_gameserver.zip from aion-emu\trunk\AE_GameServer\build. Open with notepad gameserver.properties from aion-emu files\gameserver\config and edit it like below: The Folder should look like this: Navicat: Making a Connection to MySQL: Install the program (it’s easy so I won’t explain how to install it :P). After installing run the program then select New Connection, a window will pop-up, configure like in the picture below. Creating the databases: 1. In the left side of the Navicat window will appear the connection created at step 1, right click on it and select Open Connection, now the red “Thunderbolt” should become green. Now right click again on the connection and then click on New Database, a pop-up windows will appear, fill the fields like in the picture. Then double click on the ae_server_ls database to open it, after that right click on it and Execute batch file, navigate to aion-emu files\loginserver\sql and double click on login_db then start. Open ae_server_ls database and double click on gameservers table and fill the fields like in picture Now make another database and fill the fields like in the picture. Open the ae_server_gs database, then Execute batch file (you got the idea, right? ), navigate to aion-emu files\gameserver\sql double click gs_db_sql and start. Now we’ve finished with databases. Running the Server: Double click on StartLS.bat from aion-emu files\loginserver and StartGS.bat from aion-emu files\gameserver. Note: To connect with the client to the server unzip this file Launch.rar to C:\Program Files\Ê¢´óÍøÂç\ÓÀºãÖ®Ëþ In order to connect with the EU/Na client you must change this public class Version { /** * What version should server support * [true = chs, false = EU/US] */ public final static boolean Chiness = false; <------ this } in version.java before compiling
  10. TRICKSTER Before I start, I would like to be clear. Everything that i write down is the way I PLAY, I do not care if you like it or not, its TESTED and proven that it works(properly). I emphasize this is for high rate/mid rate servers where you can use buffers and so on easily(not like low rate to pay 30 k for buffs from PPs). Another thing, in 99.99 % of the L2J servers traps of tricksters DO NOT work, which makes this class useless. First i ll make a quick review of the class, then a little bit of skill explanation and then some pvp hints. Why trickster but not any other archer? Dark Elf base stats: STR 41 CON 31 DEX 34 INT 25 MEN 26 WIT 12 Human base stats: STR 40 CON 43 DEX 30 INT 21 MEN 25 WIT 11 Elf base stats: STR 36 CON 36 DEX 35 INT 23 MEN 26 WIT 14 Kamael base stats: STR 39 CON 29 Dex 36 INT 28 MEN 27 WIT 11 So compared with the other classes, you have a little bit less str (p.att) than humans and dark elfs and you have the HIGHEST dex ( Atk. Spd., Critical and Speed stats through the DEX modifier). I ll come to the CON in a minute. So you have the highest DEX... THATS what you should be looking baring in mind that you are range attacker, you run fast (possible kiting), you attack fast(bare in mind the mid-high p.att, and you deal lovely crit dmgs). What else you can ask for. Tricksters also have very low accuracy which makes it a nightmare vs daggers, because of their evasion landin a hit on them is 1 out of 10. DYES: I do regret dyes... normally archers put on +4 Str/dex -8 dex, BUT tricksters got VERY low con which will lead to 100 % stun from other classes, UNLESS you are in a very high level clan and have the passive skills for stun resist and have the crown for 10 seconds 100 % stun resists(yep i had that, HE with +10 stun shot could not stun me for 5 mins, then we gave up). Now back to CON, to make the things balanced kamaels have very low constitution therefore you get less hp, but thats not the worst, the worst is that you are vulnerable to stun/bleeding attacks. Okey lets get real, no1 uses bleeding attacks on pvp servers but stun... IN EVERY SINGLE game (you just name it) if your character does not have one of the following - stun, immobilization, LL or slow, is totally useless. Now remember this line that i just wrote, you ll find out why tricksters are so powerful. But still WHY THE HELL trickster... well you ll find out in the pvp hints. Skill knowledge On a high rate servers, attacking skills are a bit useless, they do slow you down... and hoping for critical, well might happen might not(tricksters got a passive skill that increases their crit rate and their crit dmg), but every second count due to the low duration of 1 pvp (5 -10 secs, excluding tanks). ATTACK BUTTON - its not a skill obviously, but you ll laugh if u see how many ppl dont put it on their skill bar. ITS SOMETHING MAIN FOR ARCHERS, you are gonna press it every friggin single time you kit(kitin - runing and attacking) someone. Now i ll list the 3 MAIN traps I use: - Binding trap - Holding the target for period of time (root) - Flash trap - Stuns the enemy. - Slow trap - Slows the enemy. Those are the main traps that i use. Normally it gets up to 2 traps, 3rd one is optional vs tank/duelists (i ll explain later in the pvp section). Real target - lowers your enemy defence to crossbow to 6x % and bow 30-40 %. - HERE IS UR LOVELY HEX. Decoy - Creates a clone of urself. What the clone do is cast aggression every like 4-5 seconds. I know its a good skill but i do not use it. - Imbue Dark Seed - Paralyze the target after period of time. My favorite skill. Imbue Seed of Destruction - blocks enemy's physical and magic skills. Ultimate Escape - increase ur speed / evasion significantly. I do not use it that often, only in cases of actual escape. Warp - teleports you to the battle front (like 10 steps in front). The best skill ever... Prannah - increase ur m.def for 30 seconds. Soul barrier - increase ur m.def and resist to archery for 15 seconds Soul Cleance - (or somethin like that) removes up to 3 debuffs. Furious Soul - Increase your critical rate / critical dmg reduces ur p.def (I use it only vs mages) Buffs that you must ALWAYS have on you - counter critical & chant of protection (YES they stack) PvP hints: Friendly chars to kill:[/color]: x. All types of mages x. All types of archers x. All types of tanks x. All types of daggers THE B1TCHES: x. Soul hound x. Duelist I ll start one by one, first about the mages. Tricksters are the worst nightmare for mages, with my trickster which normally has 2k m.def, with Prannah + Soul Barrier + heroic miracle i boosted it to 14k. Yes i was able to tank 10 mages, kill 4 of them and run away SAFE ! Now fighting them is easy b4 u start (in 1vs1), you cast 1 or both, depends how you feel like, normally i liked to make them miserable so I used both and used to give them 5 seconds b4 i start attacking. MAIN THING vs mages, never ever stay close to them, STAY AWAY FROM vampiric mist (81 level necro skill) same for SpH and SpS's barriers. EVEN if you get them on you, DO NOT WORRY !!! use your soul clearance that removes up to 3 debuffs and you are back to speed, rest is easy. Archers: even against those chars you have something in your pocket - Soul Barrier which increases your archery resist. Also DO NOT forget to stay as much closer as possible, because for all archers, as far as you are from the target the more dmg you will do, so staying close to your target will make the things easy for you. You can use also the fear shot skill which has VERY close range. How to get close to them... well apart from being the fastest character in the L2, you have warp... which teleports you some dinstance in front of you. so all that is easy. Tanks: Archery resist should not worry you AT ALL, yeah true you ll do them a lot less dmg and the fight will take like 1-2 up to 5 mins but its all good, at the end you are the winner. The main skills you use are ur traps and seeds, in order to use a trap you MUST be far from your target, in order to reach this "far" use warp... I ALWAYS start my fight with stun trap, once i set my trap i stay on it until the target comes to me... if it starts running away i chase him, and when he starts coming back... well i go back to my trap. Once its stuned (traps are 100 %) start using the paralyze and p/m skill block seeds, until it gets in... once it is in... warp, set up 2nd trap no metter which one (slow, hold... stun will be on CD) and just attack(kit) and wait the seed to take effect(forgot to say, i just use the paralyze one). Once your target is paralyzed warp next to it ASAP and cast another dark seed while ur target is still paralyzed. NOW THATS THE IMPORTANT THING if u manage to do that all the time, your target will stay paralyzed FOREVER (max 1-2 seconds in between seeds) NOTICE: In some cases you might get ur seed on u because of the skill return on tanks, no worries... just use soul clearance. Daggers: same as tanks, get away from ur target using warp, set ur stun trap, dark seed, warp, hold trap, stay next to it, once the target comes to you, warp again to get away till then it should be paralyzed. If the dagger is not that dangerous just attack for the time the paralyze is down it will be dead. Duelists: Those guys have givin me hard time. As an archer NEVER EVER TANK your target!!! What you do is... use ur slow trap at the begining, and just kit your target all the way down. TRY to keep as much distance as possible from ur target, because the player will use range skills, you still have like 50 range more than him, and thats what can win you the match. Soul Hounds: They do depend on their Steal devinity which steals 7 random buffs (last buffs that you have). So... ALWAYS remember, before you go to the Buffin NPC, 1st cast your self buffs(thats not just for tricksters but for every single class) then use the npc. Soul Hounds are both mele characters and mage characters, so prannah and soul barrier might do you well... AFTER THEY USE Steal Devinity. Thats a lot of skills isnt it? Now here it depends how skillful you are... as a person, because most of the time ppl depend on their equipment. Now is the time to write: THOSE HINTS HAVE BEEN TESTED WHEN I WAS PLAYING WITH B grade(doom set) and hero weapon vs S84 equipments. All the players were professionals in their classes, and all of the matches except for the match with the soul hounds were won. Thanks for readin.
  11. Post a picture of you here ;)
  12. they are epic lol. Livindor and Beleth are 100% epic i am not sure for baylor but there is baylor's ring so it must be epic too
  13. WTF? why anthatas? he is so ugly i like the way how Baylor, Beleth and Livindor look like here are pics: Beleth Livindor Baylor do you still think that antharas is cool ? :D
  14. cuz she killed all and now she havent anybody xD
  15. @offtopic. Close this topic. and BTW wrong selection :P
  16. you need a database gracia final??? http://www.4shared.com/file/106139819/3f6ebfcb/Gracia_Final_Preconfig_6048_Server-Pack_by_ZOUMHS.html P.S.: Credits to: ZOUMHS ;) xD :D
  17. final ofc. gracia final have less bugs, balanced classes, new cool set, new cool places, more ppl play on it right now ... what do you need more. >>>Gracia Final<<<
  18. you better bost that in private server selection >,< we arent here to see your server. we are here to give ideas for a server not to see what your server have
  19. :O i was going to the l2 MGN selection and i clicked on Word of Warcraft Private servers cuz i think i saw Warcraft Private Servers. anyway i saw that is for wow and get back. after i wondered what the ppl talk about in wow general disc. and i dont know why i get here. and wtf i see?? play AION online or MU >,<
  20. there isnt a game or a program that doesnt have bugs. widndows have bugs why interlude should not have bugs? you talk boshit many ppl talk that gracia is bugged cuz they can play only with gladiator, necromancer and TH and now that classes are like all other and they find that for a bug. come on ppl dont talk boshits. play 10-20 gracia servers and then talk.
  21. Tell me your opinion :) witch pictute do you like most? :) >>>UPDATED<<< if you find more post them here!!! P.S.: i searched them a long time too :D but i didnt find all yet P.P.S.: for me phantom summoner, kamael, gladiator and tyrant are the best pics ;)
  22. !@#$% damn it! all good servers are mid rate xD
  23. So. Apella sets are cool. but what do you think? if you are dressed with apella do you have a chance VS other characters with A/S ? 1st if you are heavy armor wearing class/ 2nd if you are light armor wearing class / 3rd if you are robe wearing class. I wait for your opinion P.S.: i think that apella heavy and light are very good. what do you think?
  24. Gracia Final Custom Items (if you find black vesper. no black vesper = no custom items) 2-3 farming zones - Safe farm - Farm 1/2 enchant save +3 max +16/+20 rate 66% exp:5000x> sp:??? drop:1 spoil:??? GM shop No,D,C,B,A,S Farming for enchants chance on blessed scrols to be less then normals and bless to be sold in GM shop realy balanced classes very good geodata NPC buffer (full buff/dance/song/chant) AIO buffers from donate or farming (to be hard) (aios to have all buffs/improved buffs/dance/song/chant/overlord/pet buffs/warsmith/kamael and buffs to be for all the party) limited buff slots (to make ppl to use aios) no epic glow in system folder no stupid ugly custom items to be difficult to farm that is my dream for a server :) i played before 2 servers like that (c4/c5) but they were 40-50x and its booring to lvlup. if you wonder witch servers i mean (Crusaders C5/Khaos C4) I hope that my dream comes true :)
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