You: hi
Stranger: listen bitch
Stranger: lol
Stranger: nm
You: wtf? :O
You: xD
Stranger: \o/
Stranger: oh hai
You: whats up nigga :D
Stranger: eh
Stranger: I dont do much
Stranger: im a bulimic though
Stranger: its cool
You: what is bulimic? :D
Stranger: i eat stuff
Stranger: then throw up
Stranger: so i dont gain weight
You: wtf :D
Stranger: ya
Stranger: i have mega cool points
Stranger: and lots of street credit now
You: ??!!?? :D
You: anyway m or f? :D
Stranger: hurry up and pressenter
Stranger: press
Stranger: enter
Stranger: NOW
Stranger: HURRY
You: xD
Stranger: you are so slow
You: and? :DxD
Stranger: where do you come from
Stranger: turkey
Stranger: or istanbul
You: no O,o
You: why turkey :D
Stranger: if you are from sweden i cant talk with you
Stranger: because I hate them damn swedes
You: i am not wtf "D
You: :D
Stranger: what are you then
You: bulgaria xD
Stranger: thats so scary
You: and where are you from strange stranger
Stranger: bulgarians dont like me
You: why??!!? :D
Stranger: im from the usa
You: cool xD
Stranger: usa is terrible
Stranger: there are fat people everywhere
You: why?
Stranger: and peole feed their babies cows milk froma microwave oven
Stranger: its toxic
Stranger: what 'tards
You: ahaaa
You: and why are you telling me all that?
You: ...?
Stranger: idk
Stranger: you dont like me now
Stranger: because im american and you dont like americans
You: no O,o
You: xD
You: are you ok?
You: hey???!?!?
Stranger: what
Stranger: im here
Stranger: what
Stranger: you dont like americans
You: no
You: but are you drunk?
Stranger: im going to cry now
Stranger: no
Stranger: im 17
Stranger: i dont drink alcohol
You: why will you cry?
You: so are you taking something other?
You: ...
You: why are you so slow?
and that was all :D
OMG i am sick of laughing xD so many stupid ppl there xD i dont know to cry from laughing or to laugh :D
i played there and the server was good. but i didnt remember why i stopped it. anyway i hope that it will be better then before and THE SERVER WILL NOT BE INTERLUDE!!! for all that havent played there :D
male human fighter/mage NEVER!!! :D i will create only a male character for... Ork 100% dwarf 50%, kamael 50%, dark elf/elf 10% and human 0 :D male human fighters are sooo... like a stone for me :D and female are so hot with heavy set and duals... and with dagger.. and with bow.. aghhh she is so sexy with all :}
and BTW the question must be have you ever saw a male dwarf gladi :D
hmmm looks like very interesting :) and make the vesper parts to drop in Gracia Areas....
ahhh.. i still remember the times on L2 Crusaders.... :)
it will be cool to farm for some pieces and from them to make soul crystals to add SA on weapons and on dynasty armor :)
so it will be something like retial PvP :D
the enchant rates now are good...
so i was bored (again xD) and i searched something in youtube to watch and i found this O,o
I hope that you guys like it, love it, hate it, whatever just ejoy it :D
tell me what do you think...
they are great. they sing so damn good. :O i just dunno what to say..
on wow invetory is in 5 pats i think. i mean you have 5 invetorys and its not the same. and WTF? you can now jump too. try to jump over a mountain. they wont make it to jump with space cuz you can jump whenever you wanna....
hmmm i played C4,C5,Interlude and all after and i can tell that i D O N T like intelude servers. dunno why. from the beginning on i dont like intelude.... i have very great times on c4 but i was noob then, on c5 very very good. after my other best times were on Hellbound and now on gracia. so i think that Gracia is the real L2. i can not agree that l2 after Kamael is a different game and that they are trying to make it like wow.
its not what i searched ( but... its fun xD
You: hi
Stranger: hey
Stranger: m/f?
You: m
You: u?
Stranger: cool im a female;)
You: great
You: :)
Stranger: hw big is ur dick hottie;)
You: where are you from
You: xD how old are you sweety?
Stranger: im 18
You: im 16 :/
Stranger: cool i like younger boys;)
You: :D
You: and i like hot chicks
Stranger: im pretty hot;D
no no look that... :
You: F?
Stranger: M
Stranger: F?
You: no
You: wtf?
You: xD
Stranger: ........
Stranger: Wanna jerk off together?
Stranger: xD
You: wtf?
You: xD
Stranger: I cum to your house
Stranger: and we pull each others pants down
Stranger: watch some porn
Stranger: get hard
Stranger: then we jerk
Stranger: then your hand slips onto my dick
Stranger: and he jerk me off
Stranger: then I suck you off
Stranger: then we turn gay
Stranger: :3
You: O,o
Stranger: xDDDDDDd
Stranger: rofl
You: are you gay?
Stranger: no lol
Stranger: r u?
You: no!!!
You: that what is that
Common items are useless. You can not enchant them, put SA, Augument, when you make them on cry you get 2-6 cry. they just give P def, M def, P atack and M atack. for a fighter they are good. but for mage....
[bg]Трябв да те напсувам ли??? ето ;D
Да ти еба майката кирлива нещастна излязла от на черна циганка путката в която си е вряла мазните присти с които е опипвала кошовете и после ги е облизвала с езика с който е целувала баща ти. Дано да пукнеш от запек дано!!! [/bg]
I am soooo bored :/
i am sooo bored. i wanna chat with somebody for what ever he wanna. if somebody is bored too and search for a ppl to chat with add me in
skype: pa40o_
Requiem for a Dream is very cool
my other sugestion is Orphan (2009) great movie. but i think it dont have BG subtitles now xD
Will you ever know her secret? :)
2 great movies. if someone need links for download or something else pls PM me cuz i will probably not look at here xD tell me what do you think on PM if you wanna ;)