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Everything posted by Irrelevant

  1. OMG you are right ..i am blind !! omg dude ..thanks.. fixed !! pff sorry!!
  2. its l2jfrozen . it use that for offline table in navicat
  3. Hello folks , well im getting into the point: im facing a problem with offline buffers. I can set them as offline buffers and work ,but they aren't restoring after restart ,also give a error at system . pics: https://imgur.com/a/unUqNOA + i can't fine the mistake :/ .. thanks.
  4. no problem.please next time be more kind when you ask for help. if you cannot insert those cords go to eclipse ~> datapack~>sql~> spawnlist~> and search for "catacombs" ~> is there is any you just can copy/paste the spoiler i send you .~> save it (you dont have to build eclipse) ~> go to your workspace datapack/sql/spawnlist.sql~> copy that into your deskop . go to your navicat ~> make an backup~> delete spawnlist ~> Execute the spawnlist.sql from your deskop into your navicat .Open server and go to any 7s to check
  5. just add those : Don't forget to say thank you!
  6. so you missing the cords. which are in spawnlist . go to navicat ~> spawnlist~>search for 21205 and check cords(x,y,z) //tele to location of that cords and see if is it in catacombs if not you just need to add again the spawnlist
  7. first try to spawn " 21205 " its "nephilim royal guard" if it doesnt exist then~> ~>copy your serverfiles into an empty folder ~> ~>go to navicat create a new connection~> ~>change navicat localhost location to your new database ~> ~>install database.bat again from your serverfiles~> ~> take spawnlist table ~> ~>and add mobs to your base localhost. or you can find them manually 1by1 and add em to spawnlist but it takes long. or go to your sources~> database~> open spawnlist as text~> take all mobs~> create an query and add them to navicat
  8. you should just type your problem and let ppl decides if they can and want to help you or not, you can't command members to pm you like you pay them for that .be more kind for forum and it members
  9. lucera 3 is also available , but you have to know how to search for it. OH BTW lucera 1.7 is free to download for everyone not only for VIP .STOP resharing only for few ppl(vip only) like you own it pfff DOWNLOAD HERE: @IPXS@maverickbomber use clean system ,its easy to add manually or delete em.
  10. reasons: 1)protection of server that hasnt disabled/ 2)invalid graphics/ solutions: 1)delete system~> paste the server system & control panel ~> uninstall smartguard or what ever is installed/ 2)close xbox graphics for lineage/
  11. Hello ,recently i see a server i was interested to play at and i noticed this server has an pretty cool mode . which is : if a player has dualbox then reduces the rates of xp/party xp, drop ,spoil ,etc! description of that server . . . i just want to add a mode like that ,but i dont know where and how exactly(l2pcinstance? requestparty? l2party or?) any help will appreciated!! L2jfrozen last rev
  12. Good Morning. I tried to separated the classDamage ,because l2jfrozen uses 1config for classDamages with an option to enable the same edited stats to olympiad ,so i created an new config with olyClassDamage,but it seems it isnt work. code: "Deleted" EDIT: I fix it, sorry for topic spam ! Have a good day!
  13. Hi,i am looking for auto potion window for interface .i will compile it ,i just need the " AutoPotionWnd.uc ". Thanks in advance
  14. yy, i just didn't notice that,anyway fixed! can be locked
  15. @Kara @melron , i found the bug(or not) , to enter you need to take the bypass from npc "klein"(cause quest is by orders),but teleport player far away from heart of valakas(for mid server is far away) and i would like to change it so i went at quest of "klein" and hasnt teleport loc to change it. but now it figure out how it worked https://imgur.com/a/WjcHDIY
  16. hahahahahahhaha that's was actually nice joke.. but lets talk about the issue~> scripts.cfg is ok
  17. Hi , i facing a problem with teleport for grandbosses,even if player have the quest item,player get the message: " You are either not carrying out your quest or don't meet the criteria. ". Pic:
  18. OH NICE !!! good job !!! downloaded already,going to test :D
  19. WOW ,that was really nice of you! THANKS!!!!!!!!! i will change them tommorow!
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