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About monsieur

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  1. work on all server i tested. Verry usefull for kill RB in titan alone. PS:TO HAVE 60% HP OR LESS, EQUIP HOMONKULUS SWORD CONVERSION and UNEQUIP IT. THEN USE crush of doom or other skill who cost HP.
  2. it depend of the client. doesn't work for me.
  3. there is a way to vote how much you want.
  4. good job guy. now i must have enough post to see all of the topics :'
  5. yeaaaah D.I.A.B.L.O T.W.O
  6. you should put a system to donnate with allopass.
  7. i don't understand why are you post a topic about your server on a cheater wbesite ><
  8. you don't have much player for an english/US server.
  9. i don't yet have CoD IV T__T
  10. you speak about a movie based on a game and not a game based on a movie no?! to me it's FF advent children,even if it doesn't a very good movie,it's better than the others.
  11. just looking at screenshoot of this game,we don't wanna play it.
  12. i thin that more MMO exists in world.
  13. thank guy,i'll try it when i'll be at home :p
  14. i don't like torrent and i don't really know warez so i voted P2P.
  15. download an emulator and a rom. ps:i don't like mario ><
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