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Xtellia last won the day on September 3 2022

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  1. don't create new but edit the existent one
  2. This patch was made to run a c1-c2 l2off server with CT 2.5 Freya client (216 protocol). It has all content from C2 client. List of features: Game world transferred from original client (zones are same with c2 client, you can run a multi-protocol with older client if you want to). Has built geodata. C1-C2 items support with original stats and descriptions. C1-C2 monsters are supported with their original IDs C1-C2 skill descriptions. Recipes aligned to c2 Quest descriptions and item requirements changed to old ones. Removed unused quests (from c3+), added c2 tutorial quests for each race. Since most quests on c1-c2 have only 1 description state, quest info won't update as progress through the quest unless you implement these states yourself from server-side. Kamaels removed. Character creation outfits are changed. Lobby has been changed to C2 one (moon looks kinda buggy though) Interface slightly changed (no cp and vitality bars, no ssq info on the map) World info tab adjusted to C2 content. Splash screens changed to C2. Loading screen changed to C2. p.s. it won't work with clean c1 pts server. You have to upgrade network packets for 216 protocol to make it work (same work Smeli did in the past).
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  3. I really laughed at the "interlude client" part :) Who is "Bael-Zael?" Dragon of darkness should be named "Skelth" as i remember.
  4. On top bar press "Build", then "rebuild geometry" "rebuild light". It will work only on prelude/interlude editors, not universal one.
  5. Rush impact uses fly to location so u can do it even without animation and effects. Or you can make a blink skill based on Valley of Saints monsters.
  6. Most of such servers are playable only within their admin's dead drugged brain. They're not improving the game but making it rely more on donations, premiums, VIPs, runes, etc. All these "remastered" are just marketing terms used to sell another garbage server to folks.
  7. windows server 2003
  8. Demev is using volond1's editor which saves tintmap & renders light correctly. All you have to do is to place damn assets and build the map. Actually you don't even need it with isle-type maps - shared prelude/interlude editor will be enough. Yeah you just paint the heightmap, put texture layers onto it and place some csg brushes/static meshes. If you know which buttons to press it won't take long.
  9. Fun fact5: creating such a map consumes 3-6 hours including pauses to drink beer. L2j server creation may take a lot of time ;)
  10. Full geodata for C2 age of splendor
  11. Just resave the packages in lordofdest editor...
  12. For games like CSGO e-sport is pre-designed part of the game where best ones try to make money. L2 never had offical events with real money involved which means $$$ should have never been part of game ecosystem.
  13. They're not rental players and don't sell anything which means they're playing the game as it was intended. They're just extremely good at it, that's all. Take for example an admin putting a real 10000$ bounty for taking Aden castle every siege. That would be the case of these players you're talking about.
  14. There are 0.01% of players who actually get money from it. Also you have shady market there with high rank accounts selling, boosting etc. It isn't that popular but it is there. In L2 sellers percentage is higher than people who just play the game.
  15. There are not enough players nowadays. By players I mean real players, not paid clans, adena sellers, botters etc. Typical project live cycle : Huge opening -> people farming adena to sell -> adena becomes cheaper, paid clan rent ends -> everybody say "server is dead go to next one!"
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