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Everything posted by snifi

  1. i wonder if there is Any GOD map for Hi5 out there? :)
  2. guys u dont have to use this if u dont like it. but there are still some ppl that could be interested in that code ;)
  3. Yap ...ur right....its the servers job ;)
  4. wayne?? be happy to have some mirrors ...... gosh :y u no?:
  5. Some files in ur systemfolder might be corrupt. get a clean one. had the same issue ^^
  6. Hey cheaters, there are two new clients out there "Infinite Odyssey" and "Lineage 2 Classic". Anyone knows a good source for downloading them. i downloaded the korean installer already, but it wont install the game...dont know why...i guess cos of my german system language ^^ so i need an already installed client :O
  7. Those are the files.... unreal format....patch for ut can be downloaded here...they can be opened by simply using unreal editor http://www.gamefront.com/files/20922441/Halo_UT___All_In_One_Pack edit: im looking especially for flood models since they dont use firearms to attack their enemy - good for lineage :D
  8. :o Okay. My Client works fine. I'll take a look if i get some spare time EDIT: male D.Elf and Male Orc Fighter? Both faces dont work? pos 3 and 4?
  9. Hey cheaters, i have downloaded both, the actual korean Infinite Odyssey and Lineage 2 Classic Client. Both come with InstallShieldWizard. The Problem is that i get stuck when trying to install one of them. The InstallShield starts up with ????LÄ%2???! ?????!? Message. InstallWiz loads and then just stops without a message. :o I have the latest NetFramework on my Win 7 machine and also the Windows Korean Language Pack (dunno why installshield still shows ???! LÄ%2! ??? when loading :/). Did I forget something? Does anybody have a clue?
  10. ill check when im at home...can u give me the corean client link pls EDIT: Downloading...
  11. Hey cheaters, is it possible to add something like this to lineage? https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDD1U8A4aeCZvc-yeeXwHQ0YD5EEcN3Ha4JQ24-9nEp83om9smTw It's an halo infection form :P I mean...i know its possible but this one is already an unreal model and fully textured with animation (ut2004). I'm new to importing models so i cant know how much time it needs to do this ^^
  12. i guess he didnt encrypt the dat properly. did u get an error crypting it with fileedit? just open ur dat file again and check if u got ur new item line saved ... and well.... check if u have the icon texturefile too if u want to use other icons than interlude retail ones :)
  13. try using the dsetup.dll of ertheia dimensional strangers. i havent tested it but that should work i guess since theres not that much new stuff ^^
  14. theres a tutorial in russian how to disable gg by hex editing some files ^^ but why bothering with such things....heres everything you need....just search a little bit ^^
  15. yes i saw one....but i cant share this at the moment.....you can search urself just go google averia h5 l2 and downloa their client....open dev mode and browse custom items.....there you will find a cloak similar to this one. pls be kind and share that one here if u find it :D ps: but i think they got it branded by putting a logo of theirs onto the transparent wing thingys, so some texture editing is required....u'll se i guess :)
  16. whats the deal about this lobby? a new addon to ertheia? btw: there are missing textures up there. you can find out what textures you need by starting up the client, minimizing it and start to delete gamefiles. the files that are in use cant be deleted. thats how to find out ;)
  17. yes cos there are no colors for those hairs^^ you have to restrict them so some fine tuning is needed here....so everyone at least has to work a little bit for this... :)
  18. guess that file was missing http://www.file-upload.net/download-9661166/lineagepchair.ukx.html have a try. let me know. the chargrp should work :)
  19. nop everything is there like i said new hair positions are like i mentioned above. maybe u have missing animation or texture files?
  20. here ya go. thats one u can use i guess....i just browsed my folders...could be the same i postet here before dunno....just check it out. new hair style positions are 7,8,9,10. face style positions are 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 dunno anymore :P just check it out ^^ http://www.file-upload.net/download-9660425/Chargrp.dat.html
  21. Ohh! This client mentioned above? Did someone share it? Would like to have this one too. If someone wants another client i can share too :)
  22. c1-interlude not possible. char selection will be bugged you can use kamael - h5 part 5 on ur hi5 client (dont know if the kamael-freya logins will have some missing textures for hi5, but i guess so). i recommend using all three different hi5 logins....they work 100 %. and yes its possible to get them random. ;P
  23. editing is not that easy if its a kamael + client. you have to create a new texturefile with UED.
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