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Everything posted by ThitisTV

  1. bre gamimene ti den katalabenis apo thn stigmi pou dimosieftikan ta arxeia tou tales ta ekanes ola copy kai ebgales to l2jsunrise kathisterimene
  2. sunrise start when tales files was shared dont say bullshits
  3. y sure this mods start from l2tales after someone share his source all copy it
  4. you sell the job of l2tales developer realy? you just change html style
  5. this project will not open for sure fail before start
  6. so what he open 2 servers in same time so l2warriors and l2 era are 2 new servers from mouse and brazon so 4 servers in 2 mounths xD xD mouse and brazoon they dot get donations and he need 4 servers xD
  7. yy true this is big step for you but stalone for sure want you down just change name and web design maybe you will open if you change name and web
  8. stole name from stalone server this is not good for you xd
  9. wtf 3 servers in 1 mounth l2destiny/l2classic/l2 warrioors what happen mouse you dont make money and you need 3 servers ?
  10. elegia for me
  11. i mean for a server like x15 - x30 max also we work in our files since 2k14 but its clean , i mean we dont have even bufer or gm shop we focus in files bugs and not to add customs thinks i created this topic because h5 is dead again and again same files servers with changes in htmls players bored to play in same files server, since 2k14 is all the same .I want players opinion for a classic h5 server if its good idea
  12. what you think about a new high five server but no like h5 server in 2k17/2k18 i am thinking to open a server like old times with npcs gm shop/buffer no in cb and ofcource with out thinks like auction house / database etc just a classic h5 server like 2k13 times and ofcource stable files with out bugs what you think about this idea please reply in this topic also if you have good ideas leave a comment i think we need one h5 server deferent from others because all h5 now is same . ps: sorry for my english
  13. l2tales have the best donate system even paysafecard
  14. anyone knows how i can edit .u files? with what program i mean and also i want to ask how i can disable donation store + donate mail in game , also nice share if you know how to develop this code style you can make it the best choice for h5 server
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