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BadStealth last won the day on July 31 2019

BadStealth had the most liked content!


About BadStealth

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  1. You describe exactly what you need to do. So that people understand exactly what needs to be done. Now it is unclear exactly what you should do. Interface or effects or maps, etc.
  2. You are a liar and we have proved it. You haven't proved a single word you've said. You lie to everyone and constantly in different ways. Here you can read all the proofs of my words. And not just empty words from this person.
  3. Man lied and deceiver. I do not recommend contacting him.
  4. It means. That if you bought one base you can't do with it full After purchasing modules you can expand the interface.
  5. If you bought a product - you can buy modules at any time, paying only them. But if you have not paid support for half a year after purchase, then you need to buy again. HA This time the interface is very much changed - changes a lot appears. And maintain the old version, we are simply physically not able. That is why it will have to buy again. But at the same time the old version will work all the time. If you have not violated the terms of the agreement. And you wanted to buy one and then pure everything you did not buy and get a complete assembly? Don't you think that this is meant?
  6. The last euro client HF 273 protocol will be used. The full version costs $ 385. The basic version costs $ 256.
  7. I did not understand your question. Please clarify.
  8. Sorry, but the development of these chronicles is not underway at the moment. Very low demand. All changes made are available in another topic. https://maxcheaters.com/topic/228603-interface-lineage-2-hf-v273-update/
  9. At the moment, we were busy implementing the compatibility of our patch with SmartGuard. Which now supports. Our patch currently supports SmartGuard, StrixGuard and L2Guard.
  10. Version game? Hf or It?
  11. Buy once and use as much as you want. Further payment only if you need our new updates - which include new functionality.
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