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Everything posted by Nimlot

  1. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/anti-virus/combofix link for combofix
  2. just extract all files in system folder use launcher dont do FULL CHECK if do full check just copy and replace ogg.dll from rar file no need 1000 or 500 post share for Maxcheaters memebers Link: http://hotfile.com/dl/120637702/df0f31e/new_walker_ig_dragon.rar.html enjoy happy botting
  3. thx for share +1 from me
  4. are you serius 1000 post? LOL
  5. not work !
  6. not selling scrolls need afk scroll for to make afk shop i add picture about it
  7. if server have offline market scroll u can do self buy sell trick how to use; 1.Make shop for selling and put item and use scroll image: 2.open other char and click to your market dont buy or sell nothing 3.open new l2.exe and write your id and password dont click ok 4.fast buy item and log again your char i was try it 3-5 time 1 time susessed gl&hf
  8. its realy work?
  9. its not secret :D
  10. realy good keep time for farm :D
  11. my some friends have too win7 but walker work but on my win7 not work
  12. someone i need l2w for windows 7 :/
  13. Hi ppl any one has l2w for windows 7 mine ex l2w dont work :-[
  14. nod32 clean no virus trojen
  15. Nop dragon network is not offical server that was u seek this items offical server dyna sets is not donateabile u must be craft all items recipe+mats vs vs and all l2w modes using base item id and item names if dragon has l2w guard u cannt log in server or u get ban so early
  16. right click open whit administrator mode
  17. nah i am found but not work like good must be set attack type short or low mean mage or fighter :P
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