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About rteshima

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  1. Hello, how can I configure an area so that the characters flag when entering?
  2. Hi people! I tell them that I bought a modern website, good design and functionalities adapted or that they can adapt for L2 OFF. In case they don't have the modules developed, we can use the ones I have from atualstudio. Discord: Imperactive#0455
  3. Hi, I'm looking for a developer to add functions to vanganth events. I would like to be able to establish multiple event times (example 4 tvt per day at the times I choose) Example: All days TvT 10:00hs, 15hs, 21hs, 23hs DM 12hs 17hs 20hs I also want the spawns in events to be random and not fixed.
  4. Hi, when I hit a character with a dagger, the other character automatically targets me. This does not help when I use shield slam since the same cuts target and gives it again. How is this solved?
  5. Hi, I buy an achievement system for L2 OFF - VANGANTH Ext
  6. Hello, are you interested in the ADVEXT GF full License pack? Includes Events CTP, TVT, Relics.
  7. Hi! talk to me at discord Imperactive @ 0455 or skype live: rodrigoteshima
  8. Error in AI.obj
  9. I'm sure it was an operating system issue. I was testing it on Windows 10. I migrated it to 2008 r2 and it works fine
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