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Everything posted by karma123

  1. btw i can take pasive for ---> paralysis/hold/sleep/shock/buff cancel attack I think if i take 1st sub BD to take crit Second i take archer for evasion and third is this one ---> Warrior Abillity - resist trait [paralysis/hold/sleep/shock/buff cancel attack] I think this one are the best subs for TH
  2. which sub do i have to take to get resist paralyze + resist root skills
  3. i Voted Rune coz i love it ! Its very big and beautifull castle!
  4. i think Gracia have more but i am not sure...i voted Gracia :D
  5. Soultaker coz of curse of doom or silence..can kill any mage
  6. well they wiped bfdr X100 reborn 1 month ago and the server is 5000+ players so i am chilling in this server now. A lot of players and lots of pvp's ! For more info - http://bfdr.eu/
  7. i agree with some people that Sims sux..i dont like it very boring game..
  8. hitman [all parts are nice] , rollcage stage 2 [very good for waste of time its old but its 1 of its kind]
  9. its ok but i never use symbols on a fighter. I just use em on mage.
  10. i have lots of favorite games such as tekken , mortal kombat, hitman, cs, half life, heroes 3, fifa but 1st place is for LINEAGE 2 :P
  11. when i started and when i played for first time it was on c3..the server was pk and pvp everywhere and rate was just X5..so imagine every player at gludin or gludio flagg or say the word "pvp?" to you and start to hit you and i dont even knew what pvp mean lol.. i was dieing from mobs and drop items a lot of times and also a lot of times when i go out of town i was pk'd.. Oh yes i almost forgot i made a gladi in that server and all of we know that gladi sux a lot on c3..so it was pretty bad :D
  12. when you look at Kserth - Union Base map it looks like a skull with 2 eyes lol its funny but also cool
  13. i voted humans coz i know its the most used char :P + all my real friends play humans as well
  14. i think everyone knows it :P but anyone its a good share
  15. yes this works in almost every server its very nice when u have a wall in front of you
  16. necro...coz it got HP nice skills[ curse gloom + vampiric claw, archon , silence] and its good for 1 vs 1 of mass pvp/pk
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