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Everything posted by karma123

  1. ok now is the time to make confesion so which one of you had beg for adena in game.Me? I never beg for money coz if i do i will not feel better see the real Gamer that takes 100% pleasure from the game never beg for money..if he beg....if he really do that...OMG i dont know how to say it...if a Gamer beg for something in game his soul become dirty and when he playing he dont feel that 100% pleasure from the game :D ;D
  2. It happend when c4 come out it was java server..i did dark elf archer and you all remember that the mobs used to drop herbs of p attack and magic herbs..the bug was when i pick up herb of attack and after that i do my self buff that dark elf have for attack when the herb dissapear after that quickly put my self buff and my attack goes bigger and every time when i used my atack buff it goes bigger and bigger till i had like 9999999999 attack and i went to TOI killed hallate then kernon golkonda then GM appear to me and said he going to bann me so i shoot him with the double shoot skill :D like 1500 damage on him but he didnt die [ after all he is GM] :D
  3. why do you want to be GM so bad..i know the work is a lot and its boring to be GM
  4. this one is really old and it was working but i dont know if it works now its probably fixed ..it was working on c3 long time ago...
  5. Do you think that it will be better NCSOFT to put bleeding in l2..what i mean is that when someone hitting you with arrows,sword or dagger etc. etc. to bleed a lot like in mortal kombat's bleeding and the blood to fall on tha ground and to stay there...i personaly think that this will give the game far more realistic and dynamic atmosphere..So what do you think about this?
  6. dude pls dont ever compare wow with l2..wow sucks!
  7. its look more like ice crystal set..i like it nice share!
  8. sometimes when theres a lot of players on one place in l2 theres lag for me i mean :) what i do is to low all details and textures and i turn off the shadows ..it helps ;)
  9. WTF is that..?????someone pls explain!!!
  10. i remember there was a Romanian server called J1...it was the best i started to play this game on that server it was C3 then..pk and pk stealing was allowed..everyone in the starting village was red..i was noob so everyone was killing me then but it was great server and it was fun :)
  11. i wish i can go to Australia coz i know the nature there is very good..theres nice places for swiming and stuff..also theres a lot of animals there that you can see only on animal planet :P
  12. i hope it works on my server i will try it if i pick zariche and i will let ya know.Thx for the share!
  13. Necro is the best - curse of doom and you cant do shit...or if curse of doom dont succed he have more deadly skills like anchor,curse fear,slow...
  14. the earth wasnt meant to us and we wasnt meant to planet earth..we're just some alien experiment and self destruction is in our nature..theres no way we can change habbits..we can try but i dont know...anyway dont fear of anything coz you know death will come to any of us soon or later so i say : Drink beer,take drugs , fuk b1tches and live like theres no tomorrow!
  15. first of all this char is not for a pvp he sucks on pvp..he can be only usefull for raid bosses!
  16. i will try this on my server and i will let you know if its working.Thx for the share bro!
  17. lol i already know dino island like my hand...thx anyway for the share
  18. if you have a clan tell all you friends to create 1 sorcer and when they go 50 lvl go and kill it its very fast..u need 1 tank as well,SE and bd
  19. Can someone do a virus check..i dont trust this...but if it works thx for share :P
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