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Finn last won the day on January 4

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  1. check big fat Client Library Link to get to Akumus Client Collection Site
  2. could be blocken by your country, provider or your connection on hosts side. use vpn or proxy to try different regions. should work
  3. I hereby grant you the ability of reading. -> <- Now you shall find what you are looking for!
  4. Amazing work! This could be a project which could actually stay alive. ❤ All the other projects try to reimagine L2 while porting it to another engine - ending up in time consuming development hell.
  5. ah you are right ^^ by the way... while looking into the script file of dr. chaos... his html strings... @Override public String onFirstTalk(Npc npc, Player player) { String htmltext = ""; if (GrandBossManager.getInstance().getStatus(CHAOS_GOLEM) == NORMAL) { _pissedOffTimer -= 1 + getRandom(5); // remove 1-5 secs. if ((_pissedOffTimer > 20) && (_pissedOffTimer <= 30)) { htmltext = "<html><body>Doctor Chaos:<br>What?! Who are you? How did you come here?<br>You really look suspicious... Aren't those filthy members of Black Anvil guild send you? No? Mhhhhh... I don't trust you!</body></html>"; } else if ((_pissedOffTimer > 10) && (_pissedOffTimer <= 20)) { htmltext = "<html><body>Doctor Chaos:<br>Why are you standing here? Don't you see it's a private propertie? Don't look at him with those eyes... Did you smile?! Don't make fun of me! He will ... destroy ... you ... if you continue!</body></html>"; } else if ((_pissedOffTimer > 0) && (_pissedOffTimer <= 10)) { htmltext = "<html><body>Doctor Chaos:<br>I know why you are here, traitor! He discovered your plans! You are assassin ... sent by the Black Anvil guild! But you won't kill the Emperor of Evil!</body></html>"; } else if (_pissedOffTimer <= 0) { crazyMidgetBecomesAngry(npc); } } return htmltext; was this his official text?? GG
  6. where do you difine day / night status of those street lights? looks nice
  7. look into the frintezza script file. this instance should have some camera movement. ... also bosses like Dr. Chaos and Sailren shoulc have some custom cameras
  8. well you can actually paint terrain heightmaps using the editor, if you just wan tto start with basic terrain texturing. u can use it to paint texturelayers aswell. but i recommend using other unreal editors for painting terrain textures since the one here on this forum tends to crash whenever it wants ^^ Just open the Editor and use a nearly empty example map to get map dimensions. Here I am using 15_22, since it has asingle water volume and a plain terrain texture only. perfect for demonstration: Open terraininfo and move the terrain layer up the Z axis so it will stay slightly under water: Open Terrain Editing Tool und use the Paint method to raise terrain in order to create an island: now that we have edited our ground heightmap texture in order to save it you must save the texture file using the texture viewer (before editing the ground u need to open it with the texturewiever). In our case it is T_15_22.utx. Just save it by klicking on File->Save. Overwrite the existing T_15_22. Now by opening15_22.unr our ground will be under water again (bcs. we didnt save the .unr map file), but still have our edited raised ground part. U can use this method to raise actual ingame ground parts on retail maps ^^ In order to actually paint the ground and the ground textures I would recommend using another UE. The one u will find here tends to crash and malfunction a lot. for example you cant flatten terrain using terrain brushes. Also texture painting doesnt work correctly aswell. sometimes u can paint and sometimes it does nothing. To paint texture layers, select a texture in your "texture viewer" and use the "layer" tab To paint 3d grass choose a grass mesh type and use "decoration" tab tocreate decoration layers (eg. grass, little rocks and any kind of debris So by using another Editor you can edit and create plain textured terrain. Just check the dimensions of the original map to create a compatible terrain texture Note: This should not break your map's lightning since we are editing a texture only. Also note that raising the ground will not raise the position of static meshes that already exist on your map.
  9. Sadly nobody has the time to introduce people who are interested into l2 map editing ^^
  10. Here you go. For Salvation ++. Also tested it with fafurion 166. You dont need to modify your l2ini, but you need to keep your original dsetup.dll https://file.io/05VtSY48CH6K
  11. I will try to find and upload the one you are searching for. Do you have random L2 clients (clean or patched[but without customs]) lying around somewhere? Or maybe somebody you know? EDIT:: check if it's the one you need. that's the only one I have right now https://mega.nz/file/UYgAXRbS#L5Jcjh_SLerHKnsuDSC--nUeIXKR7wPpyQ-Ix5PDrYo
  12. do you need the system only?
  13. If you get a "403 FORBIDDEN ERROR", you need to use a proxy site to access akumus client library
  14. You could use the interlude client, since there are so many quality of life changes in newer client interfaces. Also you can easily downgrade client and server stuff as you please. ^^
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